Martin Turing Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Martin Turing

Scientist, scholar, astronomer and self proclaimed 'astromancer', Martin Turing has been obsessed with flight, and with the heavens, since he was a child.  Unlike many other mages, however, who focus their art into studying the planar web and exploring other world, Martin has spent his entire life in the pursuit of traversing to the heavens of Kermoria, in particular, an attempt to one day step foot on the moon of Yavash.

Mental characteristics


Martin is unabashedly homosexual; a crime in Therengia.  However, his status as the head of the Imperial Science Corps affords him some leeway, so long as his perversions do not inhibit his work.
"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done."
-Martin Turning, on becoming head of the Science Corps.
Current Location
Year of Birth
157 AV 65 Years old
Aligned Organization


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