Mepheo, The Shatterer Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Mepheo, The Shatterer (Mef-A-O)

Mepheo, likely the oldest and most ferocious being on the whole of Kermoria.  While parlaying with a would-be dragon slayer once, he claimed to have been old when Teraptus was still a wyrmling, and, considering how often he is mentioned in the written and oral histories of Kermoria, there is certainly credence to this tale.

Centuries ago, the islands of M'Riss and Merkresh were a single island, with a large volcano centered upon it.  The local peoples of these now-divided islands claim that Mepheo came to their island, promising wrath and ruin if his tributes were not met, whilst making home in the volcano's core.  When the tribes could not pay his exorbitant ransom, he rose up from the volcano and crashed back into it's fiery center, causing the entire island to crack in half and split apart, drifting further and further apart each year.  And yet, Mepheo still remains within the remnants of that shattered world, his slumber within the magma occasionally broken by would-be dragon slayers and adventurers, very few of whom ever live to tell the tale.


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