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Pantheon of the Gnolls

The Great Hunter

The Great Hunter is a powerful Gnoll deity revered by the gnoll tribes as the ultimate hunter and lord of the hunt. He is also known as the Lord of Blood and the Master of the Hunt. His followers believe that he is responsible for guiding them to their prey and granting them strength and agility in battle.

In his depiction, the Great Hunter is often depicted as a powerful and muscular gnoll, with rippling muscles and an imposing presence. He is usually depicted holding a great hunting spear, adorned with the bones and teeth of his vanquished prey.
  His worship involves bloody sacrifices, in which the gnolls offer the blood and flesh of their prey to the Great Hunter in exchange for his blessings. His followers also engage in frenzied dances and rituals, invoking the power of the hunt and seeking his favor in battle.
  The Great Hunter is often associated with the primal forces of nature, particularly the hunt and the chase. His followers believe that he embodies the instinctive drive to hunt and kill, and that he is the ultimate predator, feared by all who cross his path.
  In battle, the Great Hunter is said to be a terrifying sight to behold. His followers often paint their bodies with the blood of their enemies, in homage to their deity. They fight with a frenzied abandon, driven by the belief that they are serving their lord and master, the Great Hunter.
  Overall, the Great Hunter is a fearsome and powerful deity, revered by the gnoll tribes as the ultimate predator and lord of the hunt. His influence is felt throughout their culture, and his worship is a central aspect of their way of life.

Lesser Gods and Deities

Zatharak, the Flayer: Zatharak is the god of torture and pain. He is said to relish in the screams and agony of his victims, and his followers often engage in grisly acts of torture to please him.

Krukk, the Devourer: Krukk is the god of gluttony and excess. He is depicted as a giant hyena with multiple heads and a massive appetite, and his followers often engage in cannibalism and feast on the flesh of their enemies.
  Nargul, the Cursed: Nargul is the god of disease and decay. He is often depicted as a skeletal figure with rotting flesh, and his followers spread pestilence and sickness wherever they go.
  Grommash, the Destroyer: Grommash is the god of destruction and chaos. He is worshipped by those who revel in wanton destruction and mayhem, and his followers often engage in acts of arson and vandalism.
  Vorgoth, the Deceiver: Vorgoth is the god of trickery and deceit. He is often depicted as a shifty, rat-like figure, and his followers are known for their cunning and guile. They use their wits and silver tongues to manipulate others for their own gain.

Xalara, Lady of the Night: Xalara is the goddess of darkness, shadows, and secrets. She is often depicted as a tall, lithe woman with skin as dark as the night sky and long, flowing hair that seems to disappear into the darkness around her. Her followers are often assassins, thieves, and other unsavory characters who operate under the cover of darkness. Xalara is a goddess of secrets and is said to know the hidden truths of the universe.

Sylphira, the Tempest: Sylphira is the goddess of storms and chaos. She is often depicted as a fierce, wild-haired woman wielding a massive warhammer, wreathed in lightning and surrounded by howling winds. Her followers are often those who seek to sow chaos and destruction, and she is often invoked by raiders and barbarians before a battle. Despite her destructive nature, Sylphira is seen as a force of change and renewal, and is often invoked by those seeking to break free from the constraints of society.

Altar of Flame

The Gnolls' holy site is called the Altar of Flame and is located deep within the dark canyons to the north of the Great Kingdom. It is said that the altar was created by the Great Hunter himself, who imbued it with his power and blessed it with eternal flames.

The altar is a circular platform of black obsidian, surrounded by gnarled trees that seem to be twisted by dark magic. A ring of fire encircles the platform, and a large statue of the Great Hunter stands at the center, holding his spear aloft. The statue is made of a dark, twisted metal and seems to glow with an inner light.
  The Altar of Flame is used for ritual sacrifices to the Great Hunter, and it is believed that those who offer a sacrifice here will receive his blessings and protection. The gnolls believe that the flames of the altar are a direct connection to the Great Hunter himself, and that those who pray here have a chance to communicate with him.
  The Altar of Flame is ancient, predating even the rise of the gnoll civilization. It is said that the flames have never gone out since the altar's creation, and that they will continue to burn until the end of time. Many gnoll clans make pilgrimages to the Altar of Flame, and it is a highly revered site in their culture.
  While it is possible to communicate with the Great Hunter at the altar, it is not a guarantee. The gnolls believe that the Great Hunter is always watching and listening, but it is up to him whether he chooses to answer a particular prayer or request.


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