Rhea Engbert Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Rhea Engbert

Rhea Engbert comes from a long line of scientists, innovators, and explorers. She's an archaeologist by trade, having graduated from the Highland Academy in 207 with high marks in every category.

With her storied bloodline in Therengia, and her father's recommendation (not to mention his ownership of Gryphon Estates), Rhea was quickly accepted into the Imperial Science Corps, where she has served faithfully for nearly 15 years.

Rhea specializes in the exploration of ancient ruins, and is considered one of the world's foremost experts on The Black Empire; understandably, she spends the majority of her time outside of Therengia, studying and exploring the ruins far to the south within the borders of the Pridelands.
Current Location
Year of Birth
163 AV 59 Years old
Aligned Organization


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