Rimefang, Winter's Bite Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Rimefang, Winter's Bite

Rimefang makes his home in the mountains near the great divide, on the Ilithi side of the gondola.  He is ferocious, brutish, quick to anger and extremely violent; he is known to harass travelers near Fayrin's Rest, and many expeditions into the mountains report him stalking their party and picking some of them off for sport.

During the Lyras wars, prior to the collapse of the land bridge and creation of the gondola, rumor said that Lyras had made a deal with Rimefang to assault Elven positions north of the land bridge, and, in exchange, she would grant him immortality.  He held up his end of that bargain, but no one is sure if she did for hers.   Attempts have been made on his life, though each time, he leaves few survivors, all of whom speak to the brutality and cunning of his attacks, often from behind during white-out blizzards and other horrific weather conditions.


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