Secrets of Fire Technology / Science in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Secrets of Fire

Any alchemist or apothecary worth their salt can mix a few concoctions together and create variations of what is commonly referred to as 'Alchemist's Fire'.  For years, however, Dwarves has zealously guarded what are known as the Secrets of Fire; a way to harness the destructive power of fire via science, and not magic, in order for the everyday soldier to wield it.

These secrets are kept at the highest and most cloistered sections of the Dwarven military machine, ensuring they can never be stolen, sold, or discovered by others. What is known by outside sources is that the Dwarves have found a way of utilizing Alchemist's Fire on a much larger scale, a sort of liquid-fire that belches from weapons and cauterizes everything in it's path, something akin to the breath of a red wyrm.  They have also harnessed a form of powder which burns like coal for a moment, before erupting outwards violently, destroying anything it comes in contact with.  Ulfgar Hammersmeet is known to utilize this unstable compound, both for excavation as well as destruction.

Where these things come from is a closely guarded secret, and the Dwarves are careful that, should someone fall whilst carrying one of these weapons, they will go to great lengths to retrieve it before it should be captured by the enemy.
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