Serr'ah, the Dragonmother Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Serr'ah, the Dragonmother (Sair-Ah)

Serr'ah, the benevolent and beautiful silver dragon, is often considered the mother of the metallic dragonflight.  Rarely seen in her draconic form, she frequents the shops and taverns of Arthe Dale as a silver-haired old woman, gathering news and information from locals and travelers alike.

If you've been to Arthe Dale, and have met a silver-haired woman at a tavern, chances are, if you struck up a conversation, you probably had dealings with the great Serr'ah, who enjoys, above all, the companionship of other beings.

No one is sure where Serr'ah calls home, but it is suspected to be in the hills somewhere near Arthe Dale, on the edge of the Danduwen Forest.


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