Shoazo, the Wanderer Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Shoazo, the Wanderer (Show-Ah-Zo)

Shoazo makes his home somewhere in the Gemfire Mountains, near the fortified village of Havaral. As there is only one known passage through the mountains and into the Velaken Desert, any and all travelers must pass through this point, allowing Shoazo to meet with them and do what he does best; talk.

Shoazo loves conversation, with anyone, about just about anything. He loves trading items for bits of knowledge, as well as giving bits of knowledge in exchange for goods.

Despite this benevolent nature, Baron Blaine Gifford has issued a bounty on the head of all dragons, and Shoazo is no exception. To this date, however, no dragon slayers have attempted to claim it, a fact not lost on the gregarious and fun-loving brass dragon.


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