Skycrag Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Skycrag is a unique and secluded druidic enclave located in the Jagged Iron Mountains, which are situated on the continent of Northguard. The enclave is renowned for its natural beauty, and it is home to a variety of races. Skycrag is nestled in the eyries of the Jagged Iron Mountains, a region that is notorious for its inhospitable environment, crags, and canyons. As such, many of the inhabitants of Skycrag are capable of flight, which allows them to bypass the challenging terrain of the area.
  Despite their remote location and often contentious relationship with outsiders, the druids of Skycrag have been known to work with other groups and organizations when their goals align with those of the natural world. They have formed alliances with rangers and other woodland guardians to protect threatened habitats, and have even been known to lend their unique skills to aid in the defense of nearby settlements from marauding monsters or bandits.
  However, Skycrag's isolation has also made it a target for those seeking to exploit the natural resources of the Jagged Iron Mountains, leading to frequent conflicts with mining and logging operations. The druids of Skycrag fiercely defend their home and the creatures that inhabit it, often resorting to aggressive tactics to deter intruders.
  Despite the challenges they face, the druids of Skycrag remain a stalwart force for nature and a reminder of the power and majesty of the natural world. Their unique blend of magic and connection to the skies sets them apart from other druidic enclaves and makes them a powerful ally to any who share their reverence for the natural world.


Skycrag is home to a variety of races, including humans, elves, dwarves, and gnomes. However, many of the inhabitants of Skycrag are capable of flight, which allows them to navigate the challenging terrain of the Jagged Iron Mountains. These races include aarakocra, kenku, and other avian species that are adapted to life in the mountains.

Despite their differences, the inhabitants of Skycrag share a common bond in their love of the natural world. The druids of Skycrag are renowned for their skills in the arts of healing and protection, and they are often called upon to aid neighboring settlements in times of need.


Skycrag has been home to druids for centuries. These druids were initially drawn to the region because of the natural beauty of the area, which is abundant in wildlife, flora, and fauna. The druids were initially nomadic, moving from place to place as they followed the natural rhythms of the land. However, over time, they began to form a more permanent settlement in the region, which would eventually become Skycrag.

The first permanent structures in Skycrag were built in the eyries of the Jagged Iron Mountains. These structures were designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, blending seamlessly into the natural environment of the region. Over time, more structures were added, and Skycrag grew in size and complexity.

Despite its remote location, Skycrag was not immune to the events of the wider world. The enclave was drawn into the conflicts of neighboring clans and tribes, and it was forced to defend itself against incursions from raiders and other hostile forces. However, the druids of Skycrag were skilled in the arts of war, and they were able to repel all threats to their home.

Points of interest

Skycrag is home to a number of notable features, including the Great Tree of Skycrag, which is the center of the enclave's spiritual life. This massive tree is said to be hundreds of years old, and it is revered by the druids of Skycrag as a symbol of the enduring power of nature.

Skycrag is also home to a number of hidden glades and secret springs, which are protected by the druids of the enclave. These glades and springs are said to possess healing properties, and they are often sought out by travelers and pilgrims in Northguard.


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