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The Twilight Assembly

In the shadow-laced lands of Kermoria, where the line between myth and reality blurs, whispers of the Twilight Assembly stir the air with a chilling blend of fear and awe. This enigmatic cabal of wizards, cloaked in secrecy and rumor, is said to dwell within the darkest reaches of the Desolate Wastes or the depths of the Obsidian Mire. Legend holds that their fortress is a place of such dread and foreboding that none who enter its gates return unchanged—if they return at all. The Twilight Assembly is more a ghost story to some, a whispered warning to others, believed by many to be just a fable concocted to explain away the unexplainable horrors of the world.

Yet, the influence of the Twilight Assembly is felt far beyond the eerie silence of their supposed haunts. They are reputed to be sorcerers of immense power, capable of bending the very fabric of reality to their will. Hired by the highest bidders, their services range from executing covert assassinations to unleashing devastating arcane destruction upon entire regions. The assembly thrives on the uncertainty and fear that their mere mention evokes, allowing rumors of their deeds to propagate unchecked. This strategic ambiguity serves them well, enveloping their true activities in layers of mystery and speculation.

Whether the Twilight Assembly truly exists or is merely the embodiment of the collective fears of a populace haunted by the unknown, their name continues to evoke a mixture of dread and fascination. They are the specters in the fog, the unseen watchers in the night, a reminder that some forces within the world defy understanding and control. In the whispered dialogues of taverns and the fearful glances of the superstitious, the Twilight Assembly persists, as much a part of Kermoria's lore as any creature or curse ever known.


In the veiled shadows of Kermoria, the Twilight Assembly orchestrates its secretive machinations with a structure as intricate and mysterious as the spells they weave. At the pinnacle of this organization stands the Eclipse Master, a figure shrouded in darkness, whose very identity is the subject of myth and speculation even within the ranks of the assembly. The Eclipse Master oversees all the assembly's operations, wielding authority over the arcane and the strategic, ensuring that the assembly's influence spreads like a shadow at dusk.

Beneath the Eclipse Master are the Shadow Regents, each a master of one of the eight schools of magic that the Twilight Assembly deems crucial to their dark purposes. These include the domains of illusion, necromancy, enchantment, and others that lend themselves to manipulation, subterfuge, and control. Each Shadow Regent not only leads their school in magical pursuits but also oversees missions that best utilize their school’s specialties. They are strategists as well as practitioners, and their role is to fulfill the Eclipse Master’s directives while maintaining the secrecy of their operations.

Further down the structure are the Veiled Envoys, skilled wizards who have proven their abilities and loyalty but have not yet attained the full trust or power to join the Shadow Regents. The Veiled Envoys carry out the assembly's will across Kermoria, operating in the shadows to manipulate events, gather intelligence, and enforce the assembly's influence. They are the hands and eyes of the assembly, its influence manifesting subtly in the political and social arenas of Kermoria.

At the base of the hierarchy are the Cloaked Initiates, apprentices and lesser mages who serve the assembly’s broader needs. These initiates are often seen as expendable assets, tasked with the groundwork of the assembly's plans and ambitions. They are the foot soldiers of the arcane, carrying out orders, protecting assembly secrets, and sometimes serving as scapegoats or decoys to shield the higher ranks from discovery.

The entire structure of the Twilight Assembly is built on secrecy and the absolute power of those at the top. Loyalty is enforced through magical pacts and the promise of access to forbidden knowledge and power. The flow of information is tightly controlled, with each rank knowing only as much as they need to perform their duties, ensuring that the true scope of the assembly’s activities remains obscured, even among its own members.

Thus, the Twilight Assembly remains a phantom, its structure a mirage of shadows within shadows, as elusive and enigmatic as the magic its members practice. In Kermoria, their name is a whisper on the wind, a chill down the spine of those who dare to speak it, a power felt but rarely seen, always present like the twilight that neither fully lights nor completely darkens the sky.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Twilight Assembly, as much as it is known, is intricately woven with layers of deception and mystery. To the outside world, particularly those familiar with their whispered existence, the Twilight Assembly portrays itself as a guardian of balance, maintaining the equilibrium between various magical and mundane forces within Kermoria. This facade of guardianship allows them to operate publicly in certain capacities, often intervening in situations where magic is misused or where arcane disturbances threaten broader societal stability.

In reality, this agenda serves as a perfect cover for their more clandestine activities. By positioning themselves as protectors and regulators of magical practice, the Twilight Assembly gains access to political entities, arcane artifacts, and magical sites, which in turn facilitates their true operations—gathering power, influencing key figures, and controlling significant magical resources. Their involvement in resolving magical crises, often ones they have instigated or exacerbated behind the scenes, bolsters their image as necessary and benevolent mediators in the arcane community.

Moreover, the Assembly occasionally sponsors public events such as magical symposiums, exhibitions of arcane artifacts, and discussions on the ethical use of magic. These events are strategically used to scout for potential recruits, spy on rivals, and assert their presence as a leading magical authority. The dual nature of their public agenda allows them to mask their deeper motives and maintain a façade that encourages both respect and fear among the populace.

Thus, while the Twilight Assembly’s public agenda appears noble and service-oriented, it is ultimately a means to an end, allowing them to weave their influence more deeply into the fabric of Kermorian society while shielding their more sinister objectives from the public eye.


Within the clandestine folds of the Twilight Assembly, the strict adherence to a set of unbreakable laws or commandments is essential for maintaining order, secrecy, and the collective pursuit of their dark goals. These commandments are not only a means to govern conduct but also serve as a foundation for the trust and loyalty required to operate such a secretive organization. Here are some of the core commandments that every member of the Twilight Assembly must follow:

  Secrecy Above All: The highest law of the Twilight Assembly is the maintenance of secrecy. Members must never reveal the true nature of the Assembly or its operations to outsiders. This includes the concealment of their activities, objectives, and the identities of fellow members. Breaches of this commandment are met with the severest penalties, often resulting in the erasure of the offender from existence, both literally and historically.

Obedience to the Hierarchy: Each member of the Assembly must adhere strictly to the commands of their superiors. The hierarchical structure of the Twilight Assembly ensures that orders flow downward without question. This obedience ensures operational efficiency and the successful execution of their complex schemes.

No Fraternization with Enemies: Members are strictly forbidden from forming alliances or friendships with known enemies of the Assembly. This includes rival magical organizations, certain governmental bodies, and any groups opposed to the Assembly’s ideologies and practices. Such fraternizations are viewed as betrayals and are punishable by death or worse, magical enslavement.

Preservation of Knowledge: The hoarding and preservation of arcane knowledge are central to the Assembly’s power. Members must constantly seek out new spells, artifacts, and secrets, which are to be shared internally within the Assembly. The unauthorized sharing of this knowledge with non-members is strictly prohibited.

Participation in Rituals: The Twilight Assembly holds certain dark rituals that are essential to their magical prowess and their pact with unknown otherworldly entities. Participation in these rituals is mandatory for all members, serving both as a reaffirmation of loyalty and as a means of enhancing their collective and individual magical powers.

Reprisal Against Betrayal: Should any member betray the Assembly, it is the duty of every other member to seek retribution. Betrayal not only weakens the Assembly but threatens the very foundation of their secret society. Reprisals are not just punitive; they serve as a grim reminder of the consequences of disloyalty.

These commandments form the backbone of the Twilight Assembly's internal law and are integral to their identity and function. By adhering to these strictures, the Assembly ensures its continued existence and effectiveness in the shadowy realms of their operations, keeping their members bound together by a shared commitment to their dark objectives.
Guild, Mages
Notable Members

Articles under The Twilight Assembly


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