The Underway Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The Underway

A network of tunnels and passageways beneath the surface of the world, The Underway connects the majority of the old Dwarfholds of the world to a singular network, and contains a number of entryways into The Underdark. In the ancient times, The Underway was used to transport troops, facilitate trade amongst the clans, and to travel without being seen on the surface. As the centuries have gone on, the Underways have seen less and less use by civilized peoples, and have more consistently been plagued with all manner of ferocious and often hideous beasts.

Since the horrific times at the end of the Draconic Age, the Underway is mostly devoid of activity save perhaps for the occasional enemy armies that have since used the highway as a means of travel. Today the Underway is completely unsafe. Not only is the structural integrity of the tunnels constantly ridden with rockfalls and cave-ins, but its length has since been broken up by large chasms and pits that were created from earthquakes during the Time of Dragons.

Monsters of all kind lurk in even the broadest and most structurally sound sections, causing all manner of mischief. In more recent years, Dwarf expeditionary armies have managed to clear and repair a few of these tunnels to help link the scattered Holds of the Dwarfs together. Although dangerous, the Dwarfs have recently began to use these tunnels once more, although they only do so in large numbers and fully armored.
Cave System
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species


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