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The Vardalians were a human people of formidable size and strength, with an average height far exceeding that of the average human today, with many skeletal remains exceeding eight feet. They were a hardy and resilient people, living in the harsh and unforgiving lands of the northern Drakweald Forest, near the borders of what is now the Land of Giants. Their culture was one of fierce independence and self-reliance, and they placed great emphasis on strength, honor, and martial prowess.

Despite their size and strength, the Vardalians were not a warlike people. They preferred to keep to themselves and avoided conflict whenever possible. However, when threatened, they were more than capable of defending themselves and their homes.
  The Vardalian way of life was closely tied to the land. They were skilled hunters and trappers, and relied heavily on the forest for food and resources. They were also skilled fishermen, and made use of the many rivers and lakes in the region to supplement their diet.
  Their social structure was hierarchical, with chieftains ruling over smaller clans. The Vardalians had a rich oral tradition, and stories of their heroic exploits were passed down through the generations.
  Religion played a significant role in Vardalian culture, with the worship of various deities and spirits being an important part of daily life. They believed that the spirits of the land and the ancestors had the power to shape their fortunes, and made offerings and sacrifices to them to ensure their favor.
  Today, little remains of the Vardalian civilization. However, scattered ruins and artifacts give us a glimpse into their way of life. Among the most impressive of these ruins are the stone circles that dot the landscape. These massive structures, with their towering monoliths, are a testament to the engineering prowess of the Vardalians, and their reverence for the spiritual forces that governed their world.


The Vardalian Megalithic Tomb, also known as the Giant's Cairn, is a massive stone structure located in the northern region of the Drakweald Forest. The tomb is made up of large granite stones that have been carefully placed together to create a circular chamber measuring approximately 60 feet in diameter. The walls of the tomb are adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from Vardalian mythology, including battles between gods and monsters, and tales of great heroes.

According to legend, the tomb was constructed by the Vardalian giants as a final resting place for their most revered leaders and heroes. It is said that the tomb contains the remains of these great figures, as well as numerous treasures and artifacts, including weapons and armor of incredible quality and power.
  Despite many attempts by treasure hunters and archaeologists over the years, the tomb remains sealed, its secrets and treasures buried deep within. Some believe that powerful magic protects the tomb, preventing any who seek to disturb it from gaining entry. Others speculate that the tomb's location in the heart of the Drakweald Forest, surrounded by dangerous creatures and hostile tribes, makes it nearly impossible to access.
  Despite the challenges, many continue to search for a way to penetrate the tomb's defenses and uncover its secrets. There are rumors of powerful artifacts, such as a sword that can cut through any material or a suit of armor that makes its wearer invincible, lying hidden within. Whether these legends are true or simply the result of overactive imaginations, the Vardalian Megalithic Tomb remains a tantalizing mystery, drawing adventurers and explorers from all over the world to try their luck at unlocking its secrets.
"The Vardalians were a fierce and proud people, whose reverence for their ancestors was matched only by their love of battle. They were said to be descended from giants, and their physical stature was impressive even by Therengian standards. Their greatest monument was the Barrowmound of King Vardal, a towering structure of earth and stone that served as a testament to their might and glory. It is said that buried within the Barrowmound lies the sword of Vardal, a weapon of unparalleled power that could fell armies and slay dragons with a single blow." - Arcturus the Chronicler, Historian of the Imperial Science Corps.


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