Xylothians Species in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Xylothians (Zy-LO-thee-an)

The Xylothians, a distinct humanoid species indigenous to the recently revealed landscapes of Kermoria, exhibit a singular physiological composition, featuring four arms—a noteworthy deviation from conventional bipedal anatomies. The nomenclature "Xylothian" finds its etymological roots in the prevalent xyloth vegetation that dominates their verdant habitat.

Central to Xylothian societal practices is their proclivity for subterranean habitation. While proficient at surface traversal, Xylothians predominantly emerge during nocturnal intervals. The impetus behind this nocturnal predilection remains speculative, prompting inquiries into whether it is a response to potential diurnal threats or an adaptive trait developed in response to low-light environmental conditions. The enigmatic nature of Xylothian behaviors, combined with their distinctive physiological characteristics, renders them an intriguing subject for comprehensive exploration and scholarly investigation in the newly uncovered regions of Kermoria.

The scientific classification of the Xylothians, hailing from the recently discovered realms of Kermoria, aligns them within the taxonomic hierarchy as follows:

Kingdom: Animalia

  Phylum: Arthropoda

  Class: Insecta

  Order: Hymenoptera

  Family: Xylothiidae

  Genus: Xylothius

  Species: Xylothius nocturna

  This taxonomic assignment reflects their unique anatomical features, with distinct adaptations that warrant their classification within the broader category of arthropods, specifically insects. The naming conventions adhere to the conventions of systematic taxonomy, providing a standardized framework for understanding and categorizing these enigmatic denizens of Kermoria.

Basic Information


The Xylothian physiology exhibits distinctive features within the broader spectrum of arthropods. Characterized by a quadrilateral body plan, Xylothians possess four limbs extending from a centralized thorax. The limbs, akin to insect appendages, consist of a jointed exoskeleton, affording both structural support and a protective layer. This chitinous exoskeleton is segmented, providing flexibility and facilitating movement.

Their internal structure reveals a system adapted for terrestrial and subterranean life. The skeletal framework is largely exoskeletal, offering an external shield against environmental pressures. Beneath this exoskeleton, a system of articulated joints and flexible connective tissues enables coordinated movement. Xylothians exhibit bilateral symmetry, with each pair of limbs mirroring the other.

  Muscular arrangements are optimized for efficient locomotion, with powerful contractions propelling the creature forward. The multi-limbed design contributes to enhanced stability and mobility, allowing Xylothians to navigate various terrains seamlessly. This anatomical configuration aligns with their lifestyle, emphasizing adaptability to both surface and subterranean environments.

Biological Traits

Xylothian Traits:


Ability Score Increase: You may increase one ability score by +2, and one ability score by +1. Alternately, you may increase three scores by +1.

Age: Xylothians mature at a similar rate to humans, reaching adulthood around 18 years. They have a lifespan comparable to humans but often live longer due to their robust health, with some reaching 100 years.

Alignment: Xylothian societies emphasize cooperation and duty, making them tend toward lawful alignments. However, individuals vary widely, and some might reject societal norms.

Size: Xylothians are similar in size and build to humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Darkvision: Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Secondary Arms: You have a pair of secondary arms located just below your primary set. These arms can be used for carrying objects, holding items, and fine manipulation. They grant advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to detecting movements or disturbances in the ground.

Item Holding: Xylothians can use their secondary arms to carry objects or hold items, allowing them to have additional items readily accessible during their adventures. These arms, however, cannot be used to wield weapons, shields, or perform additional actions.

Subterranean Adaptation: You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. Additionally, you are acclimated to life underground, and you can easily navigate subterranean environments; you have advantage on survival and navigation checks to avoid being lost while underground

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Undercommon.

Caste Choices and Roleplay:


Xylothians organize themselves into castes, each with specific responsibilities. The choice of caste significantly influences an individual's role in society. Here are the four primary castes:

Worker Caste: Members of the worker caste excel at tasks that require physical strength and endurance. They are responsible for construction, excavation, and resource gathering. In society, they are respected for their hard work and dedication.

Artisan Caste: Artisans are skilled craftspeople, responsible for creating intricate works of art, tools, and structures. They often hold positions of influence due to their ability to contribute to the prosperity of their community.

Scholar Caste: The scholar caste values knowledge and wisdom. Scholars are responsible for record-keeping, education, and advising leaders. They play a crucial role in decision-making and contribute to the intellectual advancement of Xylothian society.

Soldier Caste: Members of the soldier caste are trained for combat and defense. They are tasked with protecting their communities from external threats. Soldiers are highly disciplined and undergo rigorous training to fulfill their roles effectively.

Xylothians place a strong emphasis on duty and cooperation, and individuals are expected to contribute to the collective well-being. Despite the caste system, there is a sense of unity among Xylothians, each recognizing the importance of the others in maintaining a thriving community.

Genetics and Reproduction

Xylothians exhibit a distinctive reproductive process tailored to their subterranean lifestyle. The reproductive cycle of this species is initiated through a complex courtship ritual. During this ritual, prospective mates engage in intricate dances and exchanges of pheromones, a process that can last for extended periods. Fertilization occurs internally, with females retaining the fertilized eggs within specialized chambers until the commencement of gestation. The gestation period for Xylothians is notably short, typically lasting a few weeks. The eggs develop within protective membranes, safeguarded within the secure confines of the underground colony.

Upon completion of the gestation period, female Xylothians give birth to live young. The offspring are born in a relatively advanced state of development, equipped with rudimentary sensory capabilities to navigate their surroundings. This adaptative trait is crucial for the survival of the species, considering their habitat's challenges.

The communal nature of Xylothian colonies extends to the nurturing of the young. Parental figures, both male and female, contribute to the care and education of the offspring, fostering a sense of collective responsibility within the social structure of the species. This cooperative approach enhances the survival chances of the young Xylothians in their intricate underground environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Xylothians, despite dwelling in perpetual darkness, have evolved remarkable adaptations for foraging and hunting. Their omnivorous diet consists of fungi, lichens, and other subterranean flora, providing essential nutrients. Additionally, they are skilled hunters, preying on various cave-dwelling creatures, from arthropods to larger subterranean fauna.

Hunting is a collaborative effort among Xylothians, combining natural weaponry like sharp mandibles and specialized limbs with crafted tools. The species relies on keen senses, utilizing their darkvision to navigate the lightless tunnels and locate potential prey. This ability aids them not only in their subterranean lifestyle but also during their nocturnal surface forays.

To ensure a stable food supply, Xylothians have developed sophisticated food storage methods within their underground colonies. Specially constructed chambers use a combination of natural coolness in the depths and magical means to regulate temperature and humidity. This meticulous approach guarantees a consistent food supply, even during periods of scarcity.

Territorial behavior is another notable aspect of Xylothian life. They establish perimeters around their colonies marked with pheromones and visual signals to deter intruders. Intricate tunnel networks and strategically placed sentinels enhance the security of their foraging and storage areas. The species relies on a combination of innate instincts and learned tactics to defend their resources, making them formidable protectors of their underground territories.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Xylothian society, existing beneath the surface in intricate subterranean colonies, mirrors the ordered complexity observed in certain insect colonies. At the zenith of their social hierarchy stands the Queen, the singular fertile female responsible for the perpetuation of the species. Ensconced within the deepest recesses of the colony, the Queen's primary duty is the constant laying of eggs, ensuring the continuous growth and sustenance of the Xylothian population.

Ensuring the protection of the colony is the formidable Soldier caste. Distinguished by robust builds and imposing armor, these individuals serve as the vanguard against external threats. Their loyalty is unwavering, and their coordination in defensive maneuvers is a testament to the collective strength of the Xylothian society. Aiding in the myriad tasks essential for the colony's survival is the versatile Worker caste. From foraging for sustenance to constructing intricate tunnels and chambers, Workers showcase a remarkable adaptability. Their ability to transition between roles based on the colony's immediate needs demonstrates intelligence beyond the typical behavior of insects.

The Harvester caste takes on the crucial role of agriculture within the colony. Cultivating fungal crops in designated chambers, Harvesters ensure a steady supply of nourishment for the Xylothians. Their expertise lies in maintaining optimal conditions for the growth of these fungal crops, a vital contribution to the colony's sustenance.

Beyond the pragmatic roles, the Xylothian society boasts a Scholar caste dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. Engaging in observations, record-keeping, and research, Scholars enhance the overall intelligence and adaptability of the colony. Their role is pivotal in responding to environmental changes and formulating strategies for the community's well-being.

Collectively, the Xylothian social structure thrives on collaboration and specialization. The intelligent decision-making capacities of each caste allow the Xylothians to navigate challenges, adapt to new circumstances, and collectively flourish in their subterranean domains. The interplay of these castes forms a tapestry of organization and efficiency, ensuring the prosperity of the Xylothian society as a whole.

Average Intelligence

Xylothians exhibit a high level of intelligence comparable to or even surpassing that of humans. Their cognitive abilities are well-developed, shaped by the challenges of their intricate subterranean environment. Possessing problem-solving skills, advanced social structures, and the capacity for abstract thinking, Xylothians are an intellectually formidable species. This heightened intelligence is vital for navigating the complex cave networks they inhabit, communicating within their communities, and adapting to the ever-changing conditions of the subterranean world.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Xylothians employ a combination of sensory adaptations to navigate their predominantly subterranean and nocturnal habitat. Central to their perceptual repertoire is darkvision, a specialized adaptation that enables them to discern shapes and movement in low-light conditions. This darkvision, with a range of 60 feet, is instrumental in their subterranean explorations, allowing them to navigate lightless environments with remarkable acuity.

Beyond visual capabilities, Xylothians possess highly attuned antennae that serve as multifunctional sensory organs. These antennae detect minute vibrations in the air and on surfaces, facilitating an acute sense of touch. This tactile sensitivity is crucial for navigating the subterranean passages and detecting potential threats or prey.

While the extent of their auditory abilities is not fully understood, Xylothians are believed to possess a keen sense of hearing. This skill aids them in detecting subtle sounds, such as the movements of other creatures or the reverberations within their underground dwellings.

The synergy of darkvision, tactile acumen, and heightened hearing collectively equips Xylothians with a comprehensive sensory toolkit, allowing them to thrive in environments where conventional vision might be compromised.
Average Physique
Xylothians, in terms of physical stature, closely resemble humans. However, their most distinctive feature is the possession of four arms, a unique adaptation that sets them apart. Each arm is fully functional, providing additional dexterity and the ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. This evolutionary development is advantageous for their subterranean lifestyle, allowing them to navigate and manipulate objects efficiently in the confined spaces of caves and tunnels.

The arms are well-muscled and agile, equipped for various activities such as hunting, crafting, and defending against potential threats. Despite their insectoid or chitinous exoskeleton covering the torso and back, the limbs retain a degree of flexibility and strength. The overall physique of Xylothians reflects a balanced combination of humanoid traits and specialized features tailored to their subterranean existence.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Xylothians exhibit a diverse range of colors and patterns on their exoskeletons, contributing to the vibrancy of their subterranean communities. The exoskeletal hues among Xylothians include shades of blues, greens, and purples, resembling the iridescence seen in certain insects. These colors are not merely aesthetic but serve functional purposes, providing camouflage in the dark caverns and aiding in communication.

The coloration of an individual Xylothian is influenced by various factors, including genetics, environmental conditions, and age. Younger Xylothians may have softer, lighter tones that gradually intensify as they mature. Environmental factors such as the minerals present in their dwelling spaces can also influence the exoskeletal coloration.

In Xylothian society, coloration plays a significant role in indicating social status and caste. The vibrancy and complexity of patterns may signify an individual's age, experience, or role within the community. Elders and leaders might have more intricate and pronounced colorations, signifying their wisdom and authority. Conversely, younger or less experienced Xylothians may have simpler patterns until they prove themselves within their societal roles. This color-based hierarchy fosters a visually dynamic and stratified social structure.
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