Alton Greenbottle

Speaker Alton Alton Greenbottle (a.k.a. Brew Master Alton)

Alton is a brewmaster and leads as one of the speakers of Haven.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bad Brew

  "There is rat poison in the mead, Alton."   "Rat Poison?"   "Yes, Rat Poison."   Alton stood, rising slowly grabbing his notched cane. "The one that went to the regent," he sighed looking out into his warehouse of stored meads. "First, rats, and now..... ruin." Turning from the window Alton faced his only son. I fear this will only lead to my death, and I do not want to bring you down with me my boy."   Making for the door his son placed a hand on his shoulder. "No father, we shall go together."   Alton placed his hand upon his sons and smiled. Together, they left Greenbottle Brewing with the intent to turn themselves in. As they moved toward the exit, the men and women Alton had taken off the streets to work at his brewery stopped him. Not allowing the two men the chance to leave. Each offered themselves in the place to keep Greenbottle open. As the shouts grew, Alton raised his hand to speak. "It warms my heart to hear such praise from all of you. However, it is not my wish to have you suffer the burden of leadership."   A man in a long white robe walked forward. The crowd parting naturally to either side. The stranger had a veiled face with an ornate hood. The edges glowed in what could be described as a gate. "Alton Greenbottle, I offer you and those in your case an accord. You know well that the livelihood of all here is at risk. You also know well the regent will not stop his punishment only at you. None of you are safe, and none of you can stop the shipment in time."   The crowd quietly murmured amongst themselves while Alton quietly considered the stranger's words. Tapping his cane twice to quiet everyone he finally spoke. "And what accord might you offer."   "Safe passage, for you and those in this room to a new world. All you must do is shake my hand, in agreement."   "Done."

Brew Master and Quest Giver

View Character Profile
Father of Evan Greenbottle.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Speaker of Haven
Short & Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

Cover image: by Unilt
Character Portrait image: by Unilt