Speaker Brook Strawl

Speaker Brook BROOK STRAWL (a.k.a. Speaker)

Brook Strawl is an inventor out of haven and functions as one of the speakers.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

White Trench coat with black & Golden clasps. Wears a White mask with ornate black scrawling.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Incident

  "Sometimes, a project does not end in a way we wish. No matter how much planning and love you put into an invention, something may go wrong. Yet, plan we must, and precautions were taken to prevent such issues from arising.   Am I above this possible eventuality? I'd dare say not. Did I intend to have the boy chopped into pieces with my new invention? Absolutely not. Yet the device does work. Though, it was meant to do so on rock."   "Regardless, Brook," The judge rose from his seat among the council, "your neglect of the device while running no less, is proof enough of your negligence. The family has demanded your livelihood be cut off and your assets seized. Further, while they do not want their pound of flesh, they want you banished into the wastes for the death of Marcus."   "That is an outrage!"   "No, he was a noble that you reduced to chunks and slop. I have spoken and I am in agreement with the Noble House Lauren."   ***   The scorching heat was the ever-constant companion. The clothing on his back was wet with sweat as he trudged ever onward away from the Desert City of Jokhelm, The Diamond Oasis. With what little water and food he was able to procure before his banishment, he knew deep down that his death was imminent. The Great inventor, brought low by a careless mistake.   Days he walked, and days more yet ahead. He had studied maps and knew in his heart that the oasis he was working toward was too far for his body.   "One hundred and forty-eight years and I'm going to die so young."   "You needn't have to."   Brook spun on his heel, kicking sand at the unexpected voice. A man dressed in white robes was before him, veiled face, with an ornate brim of a gate along the cowl. "Who under the blazing sun are you?"   "I am a way to a new world, one that leaves, " he swept his arm to the barren wastes and sun above," all of this behind. All you need to do is accept my help." He stretched out his hand in offering.   Brook stood for a moment, before deciding trust would be his best option, clasping the man's hand. "Alright, how do we get there."   The veiled man pointed behind him. "I would suggest starting there."   Turning Brook saw a tower of stone. before it, the sand gave way to grass and river. He turned to the figure, but they were gone. Nught but dust and sand swirled in the desert heat. "Right. gods above I hope this doesn't bite me in the end."


Inventor and scholar from the city of Jokhelm in the desert of Hadeim.

Failures & Embarrassments

His invention was designed to crush bolders to help expedite mining. It was powered by arcane bateries and contained grinding spokes on cylanders. Unfortunatly, Marcus, the proprioter of the invention happened by durning one of the 8 hour run time tests. His low robe caught in teh cylinder while Brook was away, pulling him into the device and grinding him into paste.

Inventor and Quest Giver

View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
one of the speakers of Haven
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish