Tasadill Umbridge (Tasa - dill Um-Bridge)

Tasadill Umbridge (a.k.a. The Frail One)

Tasadill will employ those willing to explore beyond the known realm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Mage Cardra

  Thunder crashed and rain fell upon the buckled and broken earth. The home still stands, defiant, resolute, much like the red-haired woman standing with her face towards the sky. She knew her choice would lead her down a road of darkness, a way of suffering. Her lungs filled and collapsed with the cold wet air, and the sound of raindrops on metal. A clanking drone of noise as she steeled herself in the turbulent weather. The wind whipped the long flowing hair over her blue robes as she lowered her gaze. the men that she had traveled with lay in heaps. Charred remains from the burst of electrical energy from her warren.   "I will no longer be your slave. Even if I should die tomorrow at the hand of the hallowed dog, I will die free."   Lighting crashed in the field next to her. A bright flash illuminated a figure in the distance. The loud bang as the figure walked closer still.   Reaching deep within her warren she pulled forth the energy she needed to strike. Even from this distance, the emperor's lap dog was unmistakable.   "Here now the dog approaches. Already, the end is neigh."   A voice called from behind her, as a figure stepped beside her. "The end doesn't need to come now, child," the figure spoke with a thick unfamiliar accent. Dressed in White, with a veiled black face it wore a headpiece that reminded her of a gate. An orange glow ran down the hood's edge. She could feel no ill will. "I will take your silence as an offer to continue. If you leave with me now, I shall take you to a world untouched by the false empress. A place where her lap dogs cannot follow. Though you shant be able to return to this world."   The hooded figure turned slowly towards her, extending a hand as if to offer it. Her gaze flitted from the approaching doom, back to this stranger offering a safe haven.   "I accept."     When next I awoke, I found myself alone along a river's edge. I had some basic wilderness survival from my days in the army. I also had my magic. Using conjuration and skills I pulled from my warren to assemble some sort of habitation. Over time, more people began to find my stone tower. Each person meant more mouths to feed, but more strength in numbers in this strange land. Some would appear with only themselves. Some would appear in groups. All having met the same veiled figure who promised a new life in a new world.   Over time, we formed a small community of people, survivors as it were. We called the town Haven, a symbol that we all have taken solace in. The community has appointed me and a few others to lead in the best interest of all. While we have started to expand and grow, our first years were difficult. Trying to stave off starvation, the natural creatures of the land, and the difficult problem that most people here lack the skills needed to survive in a frontier town.   Thankfully, my magics helped to curb some of the larger problems we suffered. and now that the town is growing more stable, It is time to begin searching further in these new lands. To get a better foothold and understanding.


Study at the Academy of The Empire in the world of Morvale.


Speaker of Haven

Accomplishments & Achievements

Reached High Mage status within the Empress's army by the age of 24. Mastered her lightning warren by the age of 20.

Failures & Embarrassments

She was given a task to destroy an old friend who had 'betrayed' the throne. She did not desire to kill him and instead killed her escort. However it was clear that the Dog of the empress considered this a possible outcome and came to finish the job should she fail.

Morality & Philosophy

Lawful Good Desires the embeterment of the new home she has found.


Banishment magic is outlawed. Granted, she is the only mage within Haven, she wanted people to feel safe.

Personality Characteristics


Care of the town and explore the new world she finds herself in.

A mage who is gifted at card reading. She will often have jobs for players.

View Character Profile
Current Status
Looking for adventurous people
Long, Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages