The Veiled Ones

The Veiled Ones

  They are responsible for bringing people over into this new world by offering sanctuary from their current situations. At least, that seems to be the common thread of those who were brought to this new world and were not born here.   Though only one figure is ever seen in the meeting, others have begun to speculate they are more numerous than they appear to be.   The Veild one who brings over those seaking Haven is often in long white robe with a veild black face. The cowled hood has ornate edging, much like a gate.   Those that accept his offered hand are transported to this new land.   However, once people were shifted, no other contact has been made with them. Though new arrivals to the world speak of this figure.  

New Religion

  Some have taken it upon themselves to worship them as the gods of safety, travel, and exploration of Haven.  
Religous Rights
  • Burning of candles left in the window at night to guide weary travelers.
  • Leaders often wear long flowing white robes and drawn hood and a black mask.
Religious, Organised Religion

Cover image: Landscape 18 by
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