Andasin I

The leadership of Clan Kand fell to the eldest son of Eladas, Andasin. He trained a small army of desperate refugees and harassed the forces of the Theocracy. The Tekhosians made several attempts to eliminate him but failed due to rugged terrain and the friendship between Clan Kand and the Gozyda tribesmen in the area.
  When the Theocracy collapsed in 588, Andasin struck, seizing Ibonost from its Tekhosian governor in the first month of 589. He founded the House of Kand and proclaimed the Kingdom of Kanday with himself as king. For the next decade, aided by the chaotic conditions of the Interregnum, Andasin extended his power.
  In 598, Andasin felt secure enough to attack Edino Keep, which was held by the warlord Taklar Zedabas. Taklar's well-deserved reputation for vicious brutality had won him the sobriquet "The Ogre" and he was one of the most skillful military commanders in the area. Having lived in Edino, Andasin knew its defenses well and his night assault in small boats crossing the Eryn River took Taklar by surprise. The battle for control of the keep was merciless; few of Taklar's men survived. The Ogre of Edino was slain in the attack, cut down on the roof of the keep.
  Following this triumph, ANdasin conquered or annexed much of the surrounding area. He was a genius at siege warfare and by 615 had isolated his only significant rival, the Morgathian lords of Dyrisa castle. In the Spring of 620, Andasin marched to Dyrisa and besieged it. Dyrisa surrendered three months later after its overlord, Asagran, was murdered by his followers.
  In 622, Andasin, a devout Laranian, founded the Order of the Checkered Shield to defend northern Kanday. The order quickly attracted many members and within five years captured Quivum, Imiden, Ewen, Zerien, and Heroth for Kanday. Andasin began to decline into senility around 624 and died in 627.


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