Battle of Sorrows - Khuzdul

Although none suspected it at the time, the influx of Jarin would eventually destroy the golden age. The Jarin settlements soon attracted the attentions of more warlike Lythians, whose inventions of Harn began around 900 BT. These land-hungry newcomers were soon in conflict with all, and a great battle was fought in 683 BT (near present day Burzyn) to decide the island's fate. The army of King Daelda, a mixed contingent of Jarin, Khuzdul, and Sindarin, won the day, but the Sindarin king was mortally wounded and the elven casualties were great. The new Sindarin king, Aranath chose to renounce his sovereignty of Han and withdrew his surviving folk to the Shava Forest.
  This act led to the eventual triumph of the Lythian barbarians, who quickly recovered from their defeat at the Battle of Sorrows and spread throughout the island. The Khuzdul retreated to their two mountain strongholds, while most of the Jarin were either driven into the more remote areas of Har, or assimilated. The Khuzdul of Azadmere allowed some refugee Jarin to enter and settle within their borders, but the dwarves of Kiraz were more suspicious and became ever more isolated within their fastness. Nevertheless, they traded with the emerging civilizations of the Thard Valley for food, thus becoming vulnerable to the effects of human famine and war. This was eventually to prove fatal.


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