
Economic data is shown on page 10 of the Kingdom of Kaldor Binder.
  Markets and Fairs
  The bulk of Kaldor's rural trade occurs on the market days and fairs. market days are held in most keeps four times monthly on each Peonian Lesser Sapelah, and daily in the castletowns. Only Kiban and Tashal have permanent standing markets. Fairs are much larger, season market days.
  Traditionally, business involving local guildsmen is conducted in the morning, while produce and livestock from surrounding manors heads to market. By afternoon, the guildsmen are finished with their transactions and are free to examine the goods available at the market, and to hire labor to move the goods they have purchased.
  All markets and fairs are carefully licensed and controlled by the Mangai. Merchants display and sell local crops, wool, hides, furs, livestock, and preserved foods. A few stalls have imported luxuries for sale.
  Fairs are also centers of fold culture; storytellers and thespians are always present to carry on the local oral traditions. Much more food, drink, and entertainment are seen than on a typical market day, and religious events feature prominently.
  Large fairs include tournaments of chivalry, at which the Laranian Church is well-represented. The Royal Chelebin Tourney, held annually in Olokand, is the social event of the year for most nobles.
  The commercial life of Kaldor and its merchant class peaks at the great Tashal summer fair. Caravans from all corners of Harn arrive laden with exotic goods and the sometimes exotic folk who transported them.
  Harvest festivals are held in every castle, keep, and manor after the fields have been reaped. These ancient feasts are not Mangai controlled. They long predate the unification of Kaldor over five centuries ago, but their Ilviran roots are long forgotten.


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