Ezar's War

In 682, the Agrikan Order of the Copper Hook attacked Kanday by besieging Imiden, which was relieved by the Laranian Order of the Checkered Shield. King Puril of Rethem supported the Agrikan aggression , and the 15-year conflict known as Ezar's War (after the Copper Hook grandmaster) began.
  The rival armies engaged repeatedly but without much effect along the northern border of Kanday. Neigher was able to bring the other to battle on favorable ground. In 688, Puril broke the stalemate by moving an army by sea to Sarkum, then a minor ally of Kanday. The Rethemi quickly overwhelmed Sarkum and Hebon, but Puril was mortally wounded in personal combat with King Ranald Milaka of Gemala.
  Puril's death in 689 gave Andasin III time to arrange the marriage of his daughter Mirelael to Ranald Milaka, the deposed ruler of Sarkum. He also secured the fealty of the petty state west of Aleath, including the minor kingdoms of Alatar and Mezant. His renewed forces besieged Sarkum before Rethem's new king, Kabe, could arrive to take command. In 690, Andasin III recaptured Hebon. Although Ranald Milaka was heroic in the battle, Andasin III was killed in the final assault.


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