Founding of Kiraz

The first inhabitants of Kiraz were the Earthmasters who dwelt (?) there for roughly 5000 years from 20,000 to 15,000 BT. They left no records. All that remains of them is an enigmatic godstone site beneath the city.
  Kiraz then became a Khuzan place, there first on Harn. Ask a Khuzdul whence came his people, and he will likely answer that around 7,000 BT, they were awakened at Kiraz from their, "...eternal slumber deep within Kethira's bosom by the band of the Judge of Stones and the breath of the Master of the Sundered Exiles...:
  The historian Bakian who visited Kiraz in 731 BT, had another interpretation: "...the presence of the 'gate of worlds' beneath the city hints that the blessed deity [Siem] may only have provided a new refuge for the race. I found minutae that lend credence to the theory that a prophet named Zarwyn led the Khuzdul to Harn, fleeing the tyranny of another world. Evidence suggests Midgaad..."
  In any event, Kiraz was founded by the Khuzdul around 6,900 BT, predating the founding of Azadmere by a few years. Harn was already occupied by the Sindarin who may well themselves have been immigrants from Midgaad. The Khuzdul swore fealty to Daelda, the Sindarin king of all Harn.
  For more than five thousand years the Sindarin and Khuzdul dwelt alone on Harn, an era the scholars call the Codominium. The elves and dwarves dwelt in separate communities, but traded to each others' benefit, each race specializing in crafts at which it was best. Kiraz prospered and soon became the largest settlement on Harn, wealthier than its sister city of Azadmere. When the human Jarin came to Harn c. 1,300 BT, the picture seemed complete, for here were folk to manage the crafts for which neither elder race had love.


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