House of Tane 188-362

Medrik of Serelind founded the House of Tane in 188 when he annexed the remnants of Kephria and proclaimed the Kingdom of Kaldor. When his son Kalabin won the Battle of Olokand in 238, the dynasty stood supreme.
  With Kaldor united and the last external threat defeated, the people turned their eyes inward. The House of Tane established strong central government, but kings continued to rely on a feudal structure for military security. With so much power in the hands of the barons, Kaldor developed a tradition of conflict between the crown and the feudal lords. Medrik I 188-192 Kalabin 192-239 Medrik II 239-279 Ibuthine 279-307 Aidrik I 307-342 Maranos 342-362


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