Natural Resources

Kaldor is rich and fertile. Storms are infrequent and usually of short duration. From the surrounding mountains spring great rivers along which civilization has spread. The rivers power water mills, act as highways, and create natural boundaries. In the spring and summer, millions of salmon navigate the rocky western arm of Tuleme Falls and fill the rivers of Kaldor. Many of Kaldor's oldest laws were created to control access to and use of its waterways. Most valleys are fertile and all the major grains are produced in surplus. Along the fringes of the alluvial river valleys, hillsides are often steep and difficult to plow, but are well suited to sheep rearing. Cattle thrive in some areas, producing hides and vellum, which are major exports.
  Mineral deposits are widespread and their extraction is usually profitable. The Miner's Guild has exceptional influence in Kaldor. Miners and their families usually live in villages granted to the guild from the crown. The villages are within the charge of the local sheriff but are directly administered by the guildmaster. These villages of freemen are tempting sanctuaries for runaway serfs and thus a constant irritant to feudal lords.
  NURELIA AND THE SORKIN FOOTHILLS: The deep forests and rushing streams of Nurelia and the eastern foothills of the Sorkin Mountains are home to many game animals, fur-bearing mammals, valuable herbs, and their self-appointed guardians, the Taelda (Barbarian Tribe). Most trappers and hunters from Meselyneshire and Nephshire are careful to avoid known Taeldan hunter grounds and respect their traditions. Trade is infrequent, but profitable. The Taelda bear no malice toward strangers and sometimes help those in need. Travelers on the Fur Road are seldom interfered with and those on Noron's Way are left alone.
  KATHELA HILLS The Kathela Hills, disputed for centuries before and after Lothrim's time, have seen less conflict since the unification of Kaldor under Medrik five hundred years ago. Kaldor claims the entire region and, despite periodic attempts at conquest, has gained little. King Torastra's failed campaign beginning in 689 TR was the most recent effort. The indigenous Kath resist all incursions, actual or perceived. Trade is mostly restricted to renegade Kath who have been banished from their tribe. These Kath can be a lucrative source of furs and rare herbs, but the risks of such trade are high.
  LOWER OSEL The area once known as Pagostra is not as peaceful as other parts of Kaldor. Pagaelin tribesmen have little interest in trade or peace, and actively hunt the forces of the Warden of OIselmarch. The open woodland is a patchwork of hilly grassland broken by long lines of willows and aspens along the watercourses. Herds of wisent and wild horses are common, as are game birds. The region is infamous for its many snakes, of which only the Osel Gray Asp and the Harnic Adder are poisonous.


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