Region of Chybisa

Chybisa is Harn's smallest realm but is rich both in history and natural resources. The kingdom sits in the fertile valley of the Ulmerien River, where a succession of cultures across two millennia have woven a complex cultural tapestry. The kingdom's story is on of ebbs and flows, with intrepid settlers, lands lost to barbarians, invasion and assimilation, secession and intrigue.
  The kingdom is bounded to the north by the hills of the Upper Osel region, to the east by the Anadel Highlands, to the south by the plains of Horadir, and to the west by Setha Heath. Its settlements follow the westward flow of the Ulmerien River as it descends from the Anadels.
  Natural vegetation is mostly mixed woodland and forest, with tracts of cropland and pasture that are among the most fertile on Harn. Wealth from grain exports and extensive mining in the Anadels swells the treasury.
  Surrounding the kingdom are the ranges of three barbarian nations. While the Bujoc of the Anadels are wary and few in number, the Hodiri in the south and Pagaelin in the north are among the most populous tribal nations on Harn. None are particularly hostile now, although the past is another tale. The range of the nomadic Chindra gargun lies to the northeast. They are a particular nuisance to the Bujoc and the mines in their range. The gargun also trade weapons with the Pagaelin, the the detriment of all.
  Relations with the kingdoms of Kaldor ot the north and Melderyn to the southeast are peaceful if somewhat strained, for both have claims to Chybisa. Although neither seems inclined to press their case, the situation worries King Verlid VII. THe only bridge across the Ulmerien is at the royal seat of Burzyn, giving Chybisa control over, and prosperity from, trade along the Genin Trail between Melderyn and Kaldor.


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