Region of Kanday

Kanday is a feudal kingdom in southwestern Harn. Founded in 589 after the collapse of the Theocracy of Tekhos, Kanday is ruled by the House of Kand. King Andasin Iv is a learned ruler but is perceived to be weak and dominated by his father, the Earl of Sarkum. The city of Aleath is the largest settlement and the kings' seat is at Dyrisa.
  The Kingdom is bounded roughly by the Thard and Teb rivers in the north and east, the Gulf of Andurien in the west, and the Gulf of Ederwyn in the south. The name Kanday derives from the name of the ruling clan. Previously, the region was known as Aleathia.
  Kandy is bordered to the north west by the Kingdom of Rethem and to the northeast by the Thardic Republic. Kanday has a tradition of enlightened and peaceful government, buty foreign relations are another matter. The kingdom has been involved in three major wars over the past 60 years. The king dislikes war but has been unable to halt the ongoing bloody skirmishes between the Laranian Order of the Checkered Shield and the Agrikan Order of the Copper Hook along the Rethemi border. This conflict stems from Exar's War (682-697), in which Kanday defeated Rethem and seized significant territory from the Agrikan order. The rise to power of King Chafin III of Rethem may herald the onset of another full-scale war with Kanday. TO complicate matters, Kandsay recently suffered defeat at the hands of the Thardic Republic during the Kuseme War (712-713). King Andasin's greatest fear is an alliance between his two northern rivals.


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