Region of Melderyn

Melderyn, Harn's oldest kingdom, is named for the island off the southeast coast of Harn on which it is founded. The many strange goings-on and mystical persons attributed to the island, which is commonly called "The Wizards' Isle," has given the realm a reputation as a place of mystery and enchantment. To some, Melderyn appears timeless, unaffected by mundane happenings in the rest of Harn.   In addition to Melderyn Island and the many smaller islands nearby, the kingdom includes considerable holdings on the Harnic mainland. The kingdom is bounded on the south and east by the Gulf of Ederwyn and the Sea of Ivae, extends to the Onden River in the north, and to the Ulmerien river and the coast of Horadir in the west.   The tiny feudal kingdom of Chybisa, which thee Melderyni crown still recognizes as a vassal, lies to the northwest and is the nearest civilized neighbor. The kingdom of Emelrene on the Lythian continent is some 30 leagues southeast across the Melderyni Channel. Melderyn is enriched by its command of trade between the Misty Isles and western Lythia.   Three barbarian tribal nations in habit lands claimed by Melderyn. The reclusive, matriarchal Bujoc roam the Anadel highlands and prefer little contact with civilization. The horse-breeding Hodiri, the larges tribal group on Harn, occupy the woodland plains of Horadir. The wild and primitive Solori dwell in the hills of Solora. Nomadic gargun of the Chindra and Moym tribes prowl the northern reaches of the realm.   Melderyn is ruled by Ching Chunel Toron, who is advised by a secret assembly of scholars, wizards, and priests called the Council of Eleven. Melderyn's kings have traditionally used diplomacy to achieve their ends; no Melderyni king has fielded an army on Harn. Melderyn's history is not without violence, however. Foreigners have occasionally attacked the kingdom, such as the Ivinian Vikings who sacked manors along the Horka Valley just a generation ago. Melderyni knights and adventurers have carved out petty kingdoms and joined causes that stained Harn with blood, including the crusade currently being waged by the Laranian Order of the Lady of Paladins against the Solori.   Location: Southeastern Harn Atlas Maps: L7 - 10, M7 - 10, N8 - 10 Government: Monarchy King: Chunel, Clan Toron Culture: Feudal Population: 160,000 Royal Seat: Cherafir Largest City: Cherafir, pop. 7,000


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