The Eldritch Period

The four and a half centuries between 650 and 200 BT are among the most bizarre in Melderyni history. Arcane societies and individual mages seem to have virtually controlled the island and heavily influenced its social and cultural development. There are no records as to what form of government the Melderyni had during this period' those references that exist regarding the history of this period are either impossibly vague or locked away in the archives of the arcane secret societies.   The period was one of incredible accomplishment for the philosopher-mages of Melderyn. Many of the common practices of the Shek-Pvar were developed during this time and extensive surveys of the seven worlds of the Kethrian family were undertaken. The mages began to understand something of the nature of Kelestia and the broad spectrum of its inhabitants, from the morbidly pessimistic Neo-Lollians of Yashain to the technician micro-dynamicists of Terra. Much of what is now common belief to Harnians was discovered during this time; much more may have been deliberately hidden by the mages.


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