The Five Kingdoms

The earliest reference to the five kingdoms dates from 228 BT. The kingdoms existed in some form for at least 50 years before that. The sorcerous control that had existed during the Eldritch Period was willingly released; while the mages maintained a strong influence in Melderyni society, they no longer ruled, at least not openly. The kingdoms coexisted harmoniously and without strife. Their society bore a strong resemblance to feudalism, although there was also a distinct similarity to the intricate knots of Jarin clan structure.
  The largest and most important of the five kingdoms was Birade, centered on the city of Cherafir. For various reasons, primarily its control of trade with Lythia, it gradually came to dominate the others.
  The kings of Birade seem to have had some special relationship with the rules of Emelrene. That enigmatic mainland realm had been founded many centuries before the rise of the five kingdoms and it exerted a subtle influence on the development of Melderyn. There are many records of embassies traveling between Cherafir and Berema, the chief city of Emelrene.


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