The Founding of Evael

King Aranath, Daelda's nephew, succeeded the throne. The new king concluded that further struggle against the Lythians would be self-genocide. Without consulting his allies, Aranath renounced Sindarin kingship of Harn and withdrew his folk into the Shava Forest, founding the Kingdom of Evael. The name of the new kingdom is on indication of Sindarin sorrow at the time. "Evael" can be translated as "the wooded hills of the forlorn", or "the glades where hearts weep until passage."   Although the Shava Forest had always been the center of the Sindarin population, many elves lived in other regions of Harn. They bore the wrath of the Jarin and Khuzdul folk who considered the elven withdrawal a cowardly betrayal. Most outland elves soon abandoned their homes and journeyed to Evael, at time still remembered as the "Thousand Trails fo Grief."   The enmity between the Elder Folk deepened after the coming of Lothrim and the tragedy that took place at Kiraz. To this day, the dwarves claim the Sindarin could easily have prevented the "Carnage of Kiraz." Many dwarves consider an elven shadow in the path an invitation to battle.


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