The Four Kingdoms

Serelind (142 - 188) Calsten (142-162) of Clan Tane established Serelind in 142, uniting Tanor with the petty kingdoms of Merila, Panus and Tyannild. Legends recount that Calsten was aided by a great jeweled sword, a gift from the King Tarthin of Azadmere. Calsen's successor Medrik crushed the easter Taelda at the Battle of Noneth in 180. Medrik then united Serelind, Pagostra, and Kephria to form Kaldor in 188, which he ruled until 192. Calsten 142-162 Medrik 162-188
  Pagostra (137 - 184) Hain of Clan Parlis founded Pagostra in 137. In 182 King Orsin, unable to stem Pagaelin incursions, appealed to the King of Serelind. Medrik agreed to help in exchange for Orsin's fealty. Armed with his father's greatsword, Medrik crushed the Pagaelin at Kobing in 183. Orsin became Earl of Pagostra. Hain 137-166 Orsin 166-184
  Kephria (128 - 187) Shala of Clan Eith sacked Kelapyn-Anuz (Tashal) in 128 and then founded Kephria. The Kath overran the western half of the kingdom after the battles of Hosat (178) and Lareb Hill (187) in which Torbet was killed. Medrik of Serelind seized the remnants of the kingdom. Torbets young heirs were spared, but never allowed to marry. Shala 128-145 Parogar 145-162 Torbet 162-187
  Nurelia (125 - 235) Founded in 125 by Sanric of Clan Ethelyen, Nurelia soon found itself under attack by Taelda tribesmen. Sanric I 125-140 Sanric II 140-172 Brant 172-207 Lotin the Gray 207-235 When Lotin the Gray died in battle, most nobles considered Prince Brant, 14, too young to rule and offered the Nurelian crown to Kalabin, King of Kaldor. The suspicious disappearance of the prince in 237 prompted baronial revolt that was put down by Kalabin at the Battle of Olokand in 238.


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