The Henge Culture

There are various speculative theories regarding these first inhabitants, all of which must be regarded as fantasy in the absence of definite proof. The origins of these people are unknown, although it is noteworthy that there is also evidence of Henge culture in Emelrene on the Lythian mainland. The eventual fate of the Henge people is also unknown. Some scholars believe that, for some reason, they suffered a cultural degeneration and revered to a highly primitive state. If this is true, it is likely that the arrival of the Jarin resulted in either their extermination or assimilation. Others believe that they remained a quietly dominant force on the island for many centuries after the Jarin migrations and that their cultural influence can be still felt in both Emelrene and Melderyn. There is evidence that the Sindarin had contact with these early people but there is little clue to their nature.
  There is also evidence of exposure to potent Earthmaster artifacts. Some claim that the early inhabitants somehow contacted the Earthmasters themselves. Many of the Megalithic structures build by the Henge people have startling properties, some of which bear striking resemblance to those found at Earthmaster sites. No evidence of Ancient building techniques, such as pseudostone, have been found at any of the megalithic sites.


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