The House of Rylia

When Gemril Rylia, the second cousin of King Forn, was chosen by the succession council, he founded the House of Rylia. Like the kings of the Biradian Dynasty, the Rylians proved to be remarkably long-lived; almost all of them died at an advanced age in full possession of their faculties.
  In 409, the tiny kingdom of Chybisa, facing a succession crisis and threatened by encroaching Hodiri and Pagaelin tribes, offered its throne to Imadain I of Melderyn. This move had the effect of quieting the barbarians and Chybisa lapsed back into prosperity. From 409 to 475, a council of Chybisan barons governed in the name of the Melderyni kings, who allowed their new possession considerable autonomy and seldom visited it. When Arabar II, a bastard child of Erebir V, succeeded his father in 475, the Chybisans declared themselves to be outraged and seceded from Melderyn, electing Sharat Burzada to govern them. Arabar took little notice of this profound insult. Although he issued a proclamation denying Chybisa's right to secede, he ignored the matter entirely, an attitude that no doubt relieved the Chybisan barons.


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