The House of Rylia: Melderyni Rule

At the beginning of the 5th century, renewed aggression by the Hodiri and Pagaelin tribes caused alarm in Chybisa. When Verlid BI died without an heir in 409, a deadlock and panicky succession council offered the throne to King Imadain I of Melderyn's ruling House of Rylia. Barbarian hostility ceased soon after and Chybisa relaxed again into prosperity. Imadain and the succeeding Rylian kings paid little attention to their new acquisition and rarely visited it. Chybisa was ruled by an assembly of local barons, a tradition that persists to the present day in the form of the Council of Barons.
  Imadain I 409-413 Imadain II 413-440 Arabar 440-463 Erebir 463-475


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