The Migration Wars

In the middle of the 2nd century TR, eastern Harn, enjoyed decades of unusually mild weather. Excellent crop yields and plentiful game led to population growth in civilized realms and barbarian tribes. As the good weather waned, the gargun that had established themselves in the highlands forced the tribes to range further afield for sustenance, bringing them into conflict with the kingdoms that were cultivating more land to feed their people.
  THe Pagaelin began ravaging Chybisa's northern settlements in 180, with traumatic effect on the young kingdom. As civilization retreated southward, King Shobald led his forces north in 183 to halt the Pagaelin advance. Shobalde never returned, his fate unknown. Shobald's successor, Verlid I, probed to be an able general who kept the barbarians at bay throughout his reign. His son Verlid II, strengthened defenses throughout Chybisa and built Burzyn Keep atop the ancient hill fort near Shobald's tower, providing a refuge and rallying point for the kingdom. If not for his efforts, subsequent Bujoc and Hordiri rampages would have destroyed Chybisa.
  Verid II ended the Migration Wars for Chybisa when he narrowly defeated the Hodiri at the gates of Burzyn in 227. Although Chybisa had lost more than three quarters of its territory, succeeding monarchs showed little inclination to reclaim the lost lands. Manors were built north and south of the Ulmerien, but in general the remaining Shosel kings were content with their timny realm along the river.


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