The Rape of Thay

In 705, a force of about 40 Orbaalese dragonships descended on Thay. Investing the town, they were unable to breach the defenses after three days, during which they were twice repelled from storming the city at the docks. Frustrated, they ravaged the nearby countryside, burning and looting manors, villages, and the Peonian temple across the Horka River from Thay. They carried off a substantial amount of booty and many women. This event has become known as the Rape of Thay, even though the city itself was never actually entereed by the Ivinians.   Two years later, the king of Orbaal sent a fleet of 100 ships south. As this formidable force was rounding Cape Renda, a freak storm came up, sinking many ships and driving others to disaster on the Renda Rocks. The remainder were scattered and their base on the island of Keron was destroyed. The storm was barely felt in Thay. The Orbaalese have made no further attempts to attack Thay. Most Thayans believe that these events were either due to divine action or intervention by Melderyni mages. Certainly no one has claimed credit for the storm, but neither has anyone chosen to deny it.


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