The Treasure War

In 674, thieves broke into the treasury of King Torastra of Kaldor and stole a jewel-encrusted, allegedly enchanted sword that had belonged to Calsten, the first King of Serelind (142-162). The thieves smuggled the priceless sword to Burzyn and news soon reached Tashal that it had been sold, in open market, to a Chybisan nobleman. Torastra sent word to King Balesir of Chybisa demanding the return of the ancient heirloom. Balesir was unable or unwilling to recover the blade and may have doubted its very existence, since no news of its theft had reached him.
  In response, Torastrat marshaled his army, and in early spring of 675, swept down the Genin Trail. Weakened by centuries of peace and corruption, the Chybisans were no match for Kaldor's knights, many of whom were hardened veterans of the Salt War. After a hard-fought but futile stand north of the Ulmerien River, Balesir retreated with his army across the bridge at Buyzyn, destroying it behind them. Torastra surprised Balesir by sending his army across the Ulmerien on both sides of the castle, ad audacious move. The Chybisan forces met the two-pronged attack, but after being routed in this "Battle of Buurzyn", Balesir and what forces he could muster withdrew within the walls of the castle and found themselves besieged.
  Needing the bridge to supply his besiegers and to keep the Genin Trail open, Torastra had it speedlily repaired, conscripting labor from the Chybisan manors under his control. These northern manors were also an early source of supplies. Some were sacked and burned, with everything of value carted away and the people scattered or slaughtered. Such brutal acts intimidated the entire realm. Although the Chybisan lords resisted at first, they began to submit to the Kaldoric king to save their lands and families. Those who continued to defy Torastra were slain or driven off and replaced with loyal Kaldoric knights.
  The siege of Burzyn continue for three years. Although the castle was supplied sporadically at night by small river boats, deprivation and disease took their toll. Among those lost was Balesir's young son Karis, who died of fever in early 678.
  The siege ended that same spring after Balesir was betrayed by the Baron of Geda, Sliris Wasal, who arrived with troops to reinforce the besiegers. Wasal's open support of Torastra was a devastating blow to the morale of the Burzyn defenders. After surrendering and receiving the honors of war from Torastra, Balesir and a few score of followers departed Chybisa and went into exile in Melderyn. Chybisa became a Kaldoric earldom held directly by Torastra, who left rule of Chybisa to a council of lieutenants, including a few trusted Chybisans such as Baron Wasal. Kaldoric rule was oppressive. The land and its people were overworked as new taxes and fines were instituted. Any dissent was punished harshly. The manors in the north that had been looted and burned fell into ruin. The occasional uprisings were quickly crushed. The stolen sword that sparked the war was never recovered.


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