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Åchioopre (Achioopre, ˈɶʨyˈɒːpɹɐ)

Name Meaning: bird mane

The Åchioopre is an opportunistic feeder which feed mainly on fish, which it swoops down upon and snatches from the water with its talons.

Basic Information


Åchioopre's are a species similar to a griffin combining the traits from birds and lions. Åchioopre males have a larger mane of feathers that grows in spring. Both sexes sport an aerodynamic frames with a tuff of feathers at the end of their tail. Åchioopre have a set of talons on their front legs for grabbing went in flight while also having a set of lion paws on their back legs to help with jumping.

Biological Traits

Species belonging to the family griffidae will possess two different sets of legs. Their front legs are usually talons with their back legs changing in various ways.

Genetics and Reproduction

Åchioopres reach sexual maturity at 8 years old. Åchioopres are also said to have monogamous mating pairs, however if one member dies or disappears the survivor will find another partner. Åchioopres courtship involves spectacular calls and displays by the males which includes the puffing up of the mane and the spreading the wings, when a female is in sight the male will usually follow her to her den to give a gift of fish.   Åchioopres are seasonal breeders, usually mating in January to February, incubating March, with eggs hatching in April to May, the young fledge June to July.

Growth Rate & Stages

In the den, the young Åchioopres will learn how to pick and manipulate objects with their talons and beck, at 12 weeks old the young Åchioopres will be able to leave the nest, during this period the young can explore their environment under the supervision of their caretaker as well as being taken to any source of water (where the parents have been) to learn to hunt fish. For the next few months the young will continue to hunt with and without their parents helping until they start to resemble a smaller Åchioopres at which they leave their parents.

Ecology and Habitats

Åchioopres live in scattered populations near substantial bodies of water. They prefer open areas but will on rare occasion go into heavily forested areas. Their wings are too big for them to fly in these areas however, which is why there avoided.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Åchioopre is an opportunistic carnivore thats diet is composed of mostly fish and mammals with 7-12% of their diet being made up of birds and other prey items.


Åchioopres are powerful fliers being able to reaches speeds of 35–43 mph (56–70 km/h) when gliding and flapping. Åchioopres are the fastest vertical divers on Ketron, they usually dive at speeds of 165 mph (265 km/h). Åchioopres usually hunt fish by diving at them, crashing into them with forces strong enough to kill the fish.

Additional Information


Åchioopres were originally domesticated to help fish and hunt small to medium sized animals for settlement, Åchioopres very quickly became used to the olda and stopped fearing them leading for their domestication.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Griffins are used by water settlement to aid in capturing fish as well as providing fast travel.
Scientific Name
Aquilam Leone
Åchioopres live to be 30 years old
Average Height
Åchioopres stand at 5 foot 2 inches at the shoulders
Average Weight
Åchioopre females weight 190 lbs, and Åchioopre males weight 220 lbs
Average Length
Åchioopre are 16 feet long
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Åchioopres have white body with a dark tint on top, the head, back of the front legs, wings, and tail feathers are a dark brown with some feathers tipped with a lighter brown color.

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