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Ø̆ḷdå (Olda,ˈø̆ɭdɶ)

The sapient species of Ketron

Basic Information


Olda like most creatures in Ketron have 6 limbs, with four of the six limbs being visible with the other two being lost in evolution. Oldas have long arms in comparison to its body which helps them reach farther. they are capable of walking bipedal or quadruple, as well as having a more k9 muzzle and a tail with a fluffy tip.

Genetics and Reproduction

Female Olda are polyestrous, with an estrus period lasting one week per three months. Oldas engage in pair bonding meaning they have lifelong monogamous relations, though females usually choose males who they've had friendly experiences with. The length of the gestation period tends to be 7 months. The average offspring for Oldas is usually one or two babies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Young Oldas are fully furred aside from their head, feet, and hands. With them reaching adulthood at 16 years; their adulthood is physically marked by the gradual lose of fur on their legs, belly, lower arms, and the bottom of the tail up to the tip of the tail.

Ecology and Habitats

Early oldas started in the warmer savannah like regions of ketron with plenty of rivers, lakes, and long grass, with a few member entering the forested areas passed the mountains and even fewer going to the northhern regions of ketron.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Early Olda's are mesocarnivore who specialized in ambush hunting. Most animals smaller then them composing 65% of their diet usually consisting of lizards, mammals, bird, fish and the young of protogriffins. the other 35% of their diet is plant matter and fruits.


Early oldian social were nomadic these nomadic groups were called 'Tribes' each tribe has about 10 to 20 members with everyone in the group having a role to play. 2-4 members of the tribe are hunter; who will engage in weapon making for ambush hunting, 2-4 members will forages for fruits, plants and/or berrie, 2-3 members will engage in fishing. with the rest of the members watching over the young, the roles will usually cycle, so everyone can gain experience in case something happens to other tribe members.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

the facial features of an oldian are usually more boxy and square with eyes more expressive than a wolf but less expressive than a dog.

Average Intelligence

An Oldas intelligence is on par with a human.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They ears are capable of movement of 160 degrees giving them a wider hearing range.   An Oldas' vision is dichromatic; meaning they are only capable of seeing in yellows, blues, and grays.
Scientific Name
cynotherium Polyarchus
Atidh(Swamp) Olda, Itshdœp(Desert) Olda, Øztœhœ̆(Artic) Olda
66 years
Average Height
5 foot 6 inches in males, and 5 foot 9 inches in females
Average Weight
107 - 133 lbs in males, and 134 - 166 lbs in females
Average Length
6 foot 4 inches in males, and 6 foot 7 inches in females
Average Physique
Oldas have a rather slender frame with thick legs, thin tail, big hands, long feet, and a boxy head with long triangular ears.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Olda's in the warmer regions of Ketron are usually brown with a black head, and two stripes along their sides, one being black and reaching the near tip of their tail with a smaller one starting from the shoulders to the ribs with black skin. some Olda's may be born with black fur. Olda's in the colder region of Ketron are usually white displaying the same black head as their warmer counterpart with a darker fur pattern under their neck, and the absent of the stripes. Their skin is a dark grey with a bluish grey underbelly.

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