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Bûptchi (Buptchi, bɯptʨy)

Name meaning: Two antlers

Bûptchi are small, fast-running herbivorous terrestrial mammals, living in open grassland areas.

Basic Information


Bûptchi like other members of the genus Cornutus, is a fast-running terrestrial mammal; it has eyes set high on the sides of its head, long ears, high neural spines, long legs and a flexible neck, like most Cornutidae they have a pair of antlers seen in both sexes. With females displaying smaller antlers then males.

Ecology and Habitats

Bûptchi primarily live in open areas, however, they are extremely adaptive and can sometimes be found in forests and wetlands. They prefer places with soft ground, high annual precipitation and lots of vegetation.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bûptchi are crepuscular herbivores, using the twilight as cover from predators as they feed. They also engage in coprophagy (the consumption of an organism's own fecal material) to extract nutrition.


Bûptchi are social creatures, who form harems equaluvent to lion prides with males defending their females. When Bûptchi are cornered or threatened they will use their horns, biting, and kicking to try and fight off predators or opponents.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Bûptchi are hunted for their meat, with some hunters keeping their horns as a trophy.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Bûptchi inhabits open areas like grasslands, savanna, and with some being found in forest and wetland environments.
Scientific Name
Cornutus Bilepus
10 years
Average Height
Males are 2 feet 9 inches; with females being 2 feet 6 inches
Average Weight
Males are 12 pounds; and females are 11 pounds
Average Length
Males are 3 feet; and females are 2 feet 9 inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Bûptchi have fine, soft coat with a desaturated brown body and light brown on the neck, tail tip and paws, and a patch of dark brown on their body.

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