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œḷdøushe (œɭˈdoʃɐ, Œldoushe)

Name Meaning: Thorn Tail

Basic Information


The œḷdøushe's is a species with anatomy similar to that of the "Dinopithecus", however with a few notable exceptions. It has a slender frame with batlike wings on its back, a thick mane that grows from the neck, a facial structure that can express emotion eeriely similarly to a human, and tail with toughened hairs at the end that share similiarity with the quills of a porcupine though some individual lack this trait.

Biological Traits

some œḷdøushe have a quill like tail; while others have tails that end in a turf of fur; Some have a tail with either.

Ecology and Habitats

œḷdøushes seek out open areas so they can better spot prey while they are flying overhead which by extension also helps them see intruders that have mistakenly stumbled in their territory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

œḷdøushe's hunt by flying or stalking the prey from behind and by injecting them with poison from there tail or out right killing them akin to a lion.


œḷdøushe's are very prideful creatures who don't like to back down from a fight, because of this œḷdøushes are solitary animals, but they have been seen in small grops of 2 - 4 members. œḷdøushe's are also mainly diurnal.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most œḷdøushe live alone with some œḷdøushe forming a small group of family members. When it is mating season, the œḷdøushe become aggressive and produce deep roars that can be heard for miles this attracts females, but also males who want to display their domination. When meeting another male, they'll start roaring and puffing out their chest. If neither backs down, they'll start fighting. At this point, a female will start watching. The males fight by biting or stabbing the other with their tail. Once one flys off the other gets the female, but if there wasn't a female watching he will begin to roar again.


Some Olda have found a way to appease the prideful nature of the œḷdøushe and have used that to form a bond with a œḷdøushe and even ride them. Most settlements have a few games that require a mount to play.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

œḷdøushe's have been found in Plains and savanna; being that they prefer open areas and don't usually go to closed forest or swamp. In recent days œḷdøushe's have been seen in the deserts of Ketron.
Scientific Name
Doorntal Leontopithecus
27 years
Average Height
œḷdøushe's are 5 foot 4 inches at the shoulders
Average Weight
œḷdøushe females are 260 lbs, and œḷdøushe males are 340 lbs
Average Length
The œḷdøushe are 13 feet long
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
œḷdøushe's normally come in multiple shades of red and orange. While rarely some have been born with a white coat due to Leucism. an even rarer mutation gives them a piebald coat.

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