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Eydho (Eydho, ˈɐjðhø)

Name meaning: Reinforced head

Eydhos are large Geophagia who need to eat rocks and minerals to maintain their hard armor.

Basic Information


Eydhos have long, sharp claws with a large body with layers of spiraling "stone" on its neck, back of the legs, and the back of the body with one long jagged "stone" horn on its head, the stone look is caused by calcium carbonate that the eydho gets by eating rocks more specifically limestone, that then get used by an organ called the mantle that secrete layers of calcium carbonate, which crystallize and harden.

Genetics and Reproduction

Adults are solitary by nature, only coming together to mate. Eydhos are non-seaonal breeders. However, the births tend toward the end of the rainy season. Courtship behaviors before mating include roaring and sparring with the horns among males. The gestation period for eydhos is 13 months with females in the last 3 months of pregnancy eating one half of the normal amount of rock, the calcium carbonate will then be given to the developing calf to produce its own rather soft armor. which will harden after being born.

Growth Rate & Stages

Female Eydho give birth to 1-2 whelps each pregnancy, the whelps are ability to consume and digest stone immediately, being the only species within the genus to eat stone at birth. Female whelps then take 3 years to reach maturity and Males taking 4-5 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Eydho spend most of their time "grazing" the stone pillars in "Thaakhi Thaach" (a large savanna with distinctive stone pillars scattered all over the place), But sometimes eating grass, which provides nesting grounds for birds, as well as digging holes that later get filled with water providing breeding pools for amphibians.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eydho are mostly Geophagia with rocks and minerals making up over 50% of their diet. the other 50% is insects, molluscs, and eggs to fulfill the protein needed to sustain their muscles, and plant matter for the fiber.


Eydhos have been observed eating rocks exposed rock especially from caves. if there are no exposed rocks around the Eydho will start digging up dirt to try and uncover rocks, if unsuccessful the Eydho will not be opposed to eat the dirt it dug up.
Scientific Name
Amblysum monoceros
55 years
Average Height
eydhos are 5'2
Average Weight
Between 3,670(without armor) - 5,240 (with armor)pounds
Average Length
10 foot length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Eydho coloration is usually light Grey, dark Grey, and slate Grey with their eyes being an amber color.

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Aug 17, 2024 01:31 by Car

Very cool creature concept and design, I like how much they resemble the distinctive statues they're based off of and the fact that they eat rocks and minerals. Since they are grazing animals, I am curious if they have any natural predators. As well as the reasons they evolved to grow the natural armour that they do, aside from being a result of their diet.

Aug 20, 2024 06:43

Thank you for your comment :3 and to answer your questions Like elephants, the adults of the species have virtually no predators to worry about only the whelps really have to worry about being eaten. The armor was mainly to protect the young from predators, but in adulthood, it's to protect from intraspecies conflict and child protection