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Ilœŭdœp (iloeŭdoep, ˈʌ̆dœpˈylœ)

Name meaning: heat danger

Basic Information


Ilœŭdœps are a reptilian species, sharing similarities to the european depictions of dragons and an acrocanthosaurus from which its head, feet and tail are based. Much like the other flying apex predators it competes with it sports a slender build for flight.

Biological Traits

Ilœŭdœps that live with olda have twice the life expectancy then wild counterparts.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ilœŭdœps hatch from leathery eggs like most reptiles. young Ilœŭdœps will resemble a little version of adult, and changing little as they reach adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

Ilœŭdœp only truly need to have access to Plains to be in a sustainable environment because of this the Ilœŭdœp could be found almost everywhere to but prefer mountains overlooking plains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ilœŭdœps are carnivores who hunts using their electric breath because of this they have become accustomed to eating cooked meat and will refuse to eat raw meat.


When Ilœŭdœp run out of the ice crystals and graupel that fuels their electrical breath they'll have to filter it back from the clouds, but the more Ilœŭdœps filtering from the same cloud the less for others which causes them to fight. these Aerial fights usually consist of them trying to knock the other out of the sky using their horns to hit the other's chest and/or head.

Additional Information


The olda of the mountains tamed the Ilœŭdœp for it's incredible vertical flying and diving abilities

Uses, Products & Exploitation

olda sometimes use the durable lightning resistant hide of Ilœŭdœps for clothing and saddles.
Scientific Name
Deinosaur Electroerpeton
Ilœŭdœps live for 28 years
Average Height
Ilœŭdœps are 5 foot 8 at the shoulders
Average Weight
Ilœŭdœps females weight 200 lbs, and Ilœŭdœps males weight 240 lbs
Average Length
Ilœŭdœps are 20 feet long
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The head, underside, and lower limbs of the Ilœŭdœp is a dark shade of red with a body sporting a light red with white stripes on it's head, arms, legs and tail and a lighter red making up the membrane of the wings.

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