Anghiel Character in Keverynn | World Anvil

Anghiel (ahng-HEE-el)

Keturi Jalanghishiel (a.k.a. Anghiel)

Physical Description

Body Features

He's considered plain for a siathi due to the lack of colour in his wings.

Identifying Characteristics

He has a somewhat androgynous look to him.

Special abilities

Anghiel is highly skilled with magic.

Apparel & Accessories

It's traditional among the keturi to dress predominantly in their tower's colour. As such, Anghiel is almost always seen dressed all in black. He occasionally adds some coloured accents to his clothes.

Specialized Equipment

Along with his position, Anghiel also inherited Kauphrenn's sword. This blade has been passed down from one keturi for the next since the first Master of the Obsidian Tower.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

At the time he was born, it was fashionable to have a long name. With that out of fashion, he began shortening it to Anghiel. There are only a handful of people still living who know his full name.   Both his parents are deceased, having died of old age. His position as keturi gives him a longer lifespan, so most of the people he knew growing up have long since passed away.   He was apprenticed to Kauphrenn at the age of 18. When Kauphrenn died of wingrot in 2080, Anghiel took over his post as keturi. The other tower Masters felt he was too young to have such a prestigious position. The siathi queen at the time, Thamiell, supported his elevation. Her mother had been good friends with Kauphrenn before her passing. She offered to mentor the young keturi, leading to rumours that her daughter, Princess Aldarihanya, was really Anghiel's and not Consort Ordrunn's child.


Like all siathi, he went through may years of schooling, graduating at age 16. He was then apprenticed to a historian where he developed a fondness for ancient mysteries. His Gift attracted the attention of Keturi Kauphrenn while he was travelling through town on his way to the Emerald Tower on business. At age 20, he was formally invested as Kauphrenn's protégé.


While he trained as a historian, he was never fomally employed as one. The only job he's ever had is as Master of the Obsidian Tower.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

He's an avid collector of antiques and has amassed an extensive collection. Those wishing to curry favour with him often bring him gifts of old books or fascinating items.   While he enjoys stargazing, his knowledge of the constellations and the movement of stars is basic at best.   He dislikes clutter and decorations for the sake of decorating. As such, his tower is the plainest among the five.


Like most siathi, he's an avid bather.


Contacts & Relations

He's good friends with Deiwynn eir Valaha. He maintains a relationship with most of the dragonlords, although there have been some he wasn't fond of, such as Rishna's predecessor, Nagoru.

Family Ties

His mother's name was Alhiveliarann. She lived in Alesarri her whole life. His father, Teprinaolornn, was from Kisathrior in the Moonstone Tower Region. He'd moved to Alesarri as a young adult to take over a cousin's store after his unexpected passing.   He has one sibling, a younger brother named Salaethil.   He has a grand-nephew, Anturamiyann, who is a dragonrider in Shu’venath Province. He's married to Deiwynn eir Valaha, the Argent Dragonlord.
Date of Birth
Shan'tu 22
Current Residence
The Obsidian Tower
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
He is fluent in human, siathi, and common. He can speak some Bach'ai and could hold a simple conversation.
Ruled Locations


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