Atharia Geographic Location in Keverynn | World Anvil


Location: 4th planet Size: a bit bigger than Earth Rotation: a day lasts 28 hours Revolution: 544 days (16 months of 34 days each)   Sun: Darush Moon: Itlai; known to the Swimmers as Lady Itlai Any other celestial bodies: including Atharia, there are a total of seven planets in the system.     Children play a game called Kru-shin. It's a form of hopscotch with very elaborate layouts.   Currency – rekmar, plural rekmars   Languages The humans call their language Drashini. The Swimmers have no formal name for their language; it sounds like whale song.   Major cities Karath’aann – a ruined city widely considered to be one of the most beautiful spots on the planet. Edelride Aren’march Sinti’arebed Seudo’thann Xyn’kaliir Dretha’rel   Level of Technology Both species are advanced, though arguably the natives are far more advanced. They are only interested in the oceans and beaches so they allow the humans to populate the inner land. With their guidance, the humans—and the Vaen who had brought them there—were able to build settlements that would make the most efficient use of the land and make minimal damage to the rainforests.     Religion Rather than worshiping a deity or pantheon of such, the Swimmers revere the forces of nature. As an advanced society, they are fully aware that there are reasons for what goes on in nature. It doesn’t rid them of the awe their ancestors had for the natural world. As for the humans, various religions were brought with them from Keverynn though they’ve largely fallen out of favor. There was too much conflict between religious groups and so they’ve taken up the Swimmer way of respecting the natural world, effectively putting a ban on religions that have an aspect of actual worship to them.   Important Historical Events The crew of the Dariius brought a virus back with them. If the crew had given themselves enough time to adjust to the environment it wouldn’t have been half as bad. As it was, they nearly managed to wipe out the entire population of Edelride and would have if the Central Medical Board hadn’t stumbled on the cause and come up with a vaccine. The loss of life was still staggering.   Important Organizations The Fugitive Recovery Agency The Central Medical Board (CMB)


Standing at 30,000 feet above sea level, the Tassren Spire is the tallest surface feature. The soil is commonly butterscotch coloured and smooth in texture. The terrain is primarily dense rainforest, though there are a few patches of grassland, swamp, and a toxic desert formed by wars that happened a long time ago.

Fauna & Flora

Lirriro – multi-colored, polka dotted alien cow-things Ade’darens – small, long haired sheep-like animals with cloven hooves and white or brown coats Straythen - large, grey and brown birds of prey common to the coastal areas Shrike – the largest bird of prey on Atharia, it hunts in the high mountains Raebuck – a kind of large carnivorous animal whose meat is exceptionally tender Quela – A kind of shark that eats indiscriminately and has been known to turn cannibal. It’s regarded as more of a nuisance and being referred to as one is deeply insulting, especially to the Swimmers. Ome – a rice-like grain that is light cream in colour; grown by Swimmers Rainbow fish – freshwater fish common to rivers in the western hemisphere Greenfruit – an oval shaped fruit that grows on trees. It’s similar to an apple in that its green peel can be eaten but on the inside it’s built more like a lemon. In taste, it’s like a watermelon. Mudhens – a type of chicken

Natural Resources

Arillira paste – a highly nutritional food item that tastes kind of like strong beans mixed with broccoli, made from the common Arillira plant Rainbow gems – mined in the mountains A variety of musical instruments Dream sticks – made by wrapping a blend of cured herbs in a long, thin roll of brown paper, these are highly addictive and can have mild hallucinogenic effects. The best and most expensive ones are made with fire cured herbs while the cheapest are air cured. Use of these is highly frowned on by the Central Medical Board (CMB) as studies have proved that long term use has been linked to serious health problems. The Agency strictly prohibits use of this drug by any of its members though this policy is difficult to enforce; the herbs used are largely innocuous on their own and it’s only in this particular combination that they become dangerous. The standard forms of drug screening won’t pick up on it. If an Agent is caught using dream sticks, they will be fired. If the infraction is severe enough there may be a fine or even jail time involved.


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