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Bovidean (Bow-Vid-Ee-An)

Bovideans are the Cowfolk of Borvia in Southern Sebaal. They are a strong, hardworking people who will strive to look after whoever they deem as part of their herd, whether that be friends, family or allies. Many choose to do this through owning and maintaining farms to feed their community, but others take a more direct approach and join organisations such as their local city guard or even the military forces. Most aren't too interested in travelling outside of their native home of Borvia, but often will out of a sense of duty or obligation to the herd. those that do travel will often maintain a strong connection to their homes and family, and form incredibly strong bonds to any new herd members they meet in their travels. These peaceful folk are often mistaken for minitours, a common misconception they find greatly distressing as minitours are known for being aggressive and foul-tempered, something the Bovideans only reserve for those who attack their herds.  

You might:

  • Be keen to prove yourself, especially if your skills are based on intelligence such as spell casting
  • fight until you physically can't anymore, fleeing combat is not an option
  • be fiercely protective of anything they see as "yours", whether that be your home, your friends or even a specific item.
  • be deathly afraid of hamburgers

Others might:

  • Be fearful of your intimidating frame and build
  • Mistake you for a deamon or feind of some kind, or possibly a minitour.
  • Assume you're not very intelligent or wise.

Basic Information


Bovideans have a humanoid body covered in short fur which ranges in colour from white to brown to black, and a cow's head. All bovideans have the potential to grow horns atop their heads, but some have substantially larger and stronger horns than others. They have human-like hands and hooved feet like those of a cow's. They also have a small cow-like tail with a tuft of fur on the end.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bovideans are herbivores and can not digest any meat products.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bovideans tend to have very guttural sounding names that can be hard to pronounce in some cases. Their names are usually quite long, rarely under 3 syllables and typically have emphasised on deep, long vowel sounds like "oo" and "au". Their last names don't usually come from their family, instead, they refer to something about the individual, such as a feature they possess.   Many Bovideans will also choose to go by a "common" nickname, especially if they live around a lot of creatures who may struggle to pronounce their names. When this is done, they will often adopt hilariously simple names related to something they enjoy, are good at or a feature others have pointed out to them, and will affix a title on the front of them such as "Mr Strong", "Miss Singer" or "Mx Ranger"  

Example Names

Ausevera, Dorrakithes, Entinim, Gaurbanethis, Hesanaun, Heszihoorn, Kuokeathies, Noonarak, Rausvenin

Bovidean Heritages:

Great-horn Bovidean

  • based on "Great horned minotaur" - Beastiary, Pg. 237
Your family are renowned for their long horns and powerful charging abilities. When you charge, if you critically succeed on your attack roll, you can impale your foe for an additional 1d6 damage, if they are not reduced to 0 hit points by this, you throw them down onto the ground (if they are medium or smaller) and they are knocked prone. Large creatures only take damage. However, if you critically fail, you will need an extra 10ft to come to a halt, but if there is a wall or other structure behind your missed target within that distance, you will get stuck and be considered prone, requiring a DC 10 Strength check to get yourself out.  

Shaggy Bovidean

  • Based on "arctic Elf" - Core Rulebook pg. 39 and "Shaggy Minotaur" - Beastiary, Pg. 237
Your family came from the far southern coastal regions of Sebaal and grew thick, shaggy fur to help deal with the biting cold. As a result, you gain resistance to cold equal to half your level rounded down (minimum 1). You treat environmental cold effects as if they were one step less extreme (incredible cold becomes extreme, extreme cold becomes severe, and so on).  

Demonic gaze

Some say the original Bovideans were actually Awakened Minotaurs, and thus have demonic origins, created by Baphomet as guardians of his labyrinth. There seems to be some truth to this, your gaze carries an aura of intimidation, and your eyes are black pits. you are trained in intimidation and are able to silently intimidate someone by looking at them.  


your family are more ox than cow, and as a result, you can carry more. Your max carrying capacity and encumbered limit increase by 1 bulk  

Bovidean Ancestry Feats

1st Level:

Bovidean Weapon Familiarity - Feat 1

  • Based on "Tengu Weapon Familiarity" - Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 26
Perhaps you grew up on a farm and learned to wield an axe to cut down trees or protect your livestock, or maybe you come from a family of city guards. Regardless of the reason, you grew up with an axe in your hand, and have trained with it ever since you were little. You become trained in the Battleaxe, Orcish Necksplitter and Greataxe. For the sake of determining proficiency, these weapons become simple weapons.
Hooved kick - Feat 1

  • Based on "Iron Fists" - Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 18
Your hooves can be brutal weapons. You get an unarmoured kick attack that does 1d6 Bludgeoning damage.
Bovidean Lore - Feat 1

  • Based on "Orcish Lore" - Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 18
Your heard loves to tell stories of your people's past, the land you live on and much more. You become trained in Society and Nature. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Bovidean Lore.
Bovine Empathy - Feat 1

Description you can communicate with Cows, Ox, Buffalo, and other bovine creatures. You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with bovines, but not other animals like dogs or bats. The GM determines which animals count as bovines.
quick hooves - Feat 1

  • Based on "Nimble Hooves" - Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 40
Your hooves are structured in a way that allows you to walk faster than those with standard humanoid feet. You gain a +5 to you movement speed.

5th Level

Throw them back - Feat 5

Requirements Great Horned Bovidean Heritage
Trigger You critically succeed at a horn charge to attack hit an enemy
Description On a critical success at a horn charge, you can either choose to impale the target as described in the great horned Bovidean, or alternatively pick up your foe and toss them 10ft away, dealing 1d6 damage when they land, and causing them to become prone.
Brutal Hooves - Feat 5

Requirements Hooved Kick
  • Based on "Bloody Blows" - Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 18
Your lethal unarmed attacks made with your hooves leave bloody gouges or cause severe internal bleeding. When you critically hit with a Strike using an unarmed hoof attack that isn’t nonlethal, the target takes 1d4 persistent bleed damage.
Athletic Mobility - Feat 5

  • Based on "Athletic might" - Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 18
You have exceptional athleticism. Whenever you roll a success on an Athletics check to Climb or Swim, you get a critical success instead.

9th Level

Thick Skinned - Feat 9

  • Based on "Mountain's Stoutness" - Core rulebook, pg. 37
Your hardiness lets you withstand more punishment than most before going down. Increase your maximum Hit Points by your level. You also decrease the DC of recovery checks when you have the dying condition by 1.
Battle Hardened - Feat 9

Requirements You're taking persistent damage or your wounded value is 1 or greater
  • Based on "Death's Drums" - Advanced Player's Guide, pg. 19
Your life has been spent challenging death itself, and proximity to that implacable foe only makes your heart beat harder. When you are taking persistent damage or your wounded value is 1 or greater, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Fortitude saving throws.
Hit Dice
Ability Boosts
Strength, Free
  • Common
  • Bovi
  • Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier if it’s positive. Choose from the list of common Languages and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region)
Bovidean, Humanoid
Raging Bull
You put your head down and make a charge action. You can move up to your move speed once and make an unarmed attack at the target with your horns, dealing 1d6 damage if you hit If you critically fail your attack roll you run 10 feet past your target before you can stop (or as far as you can before running into a wall or other structure).
Mature at
18 years
Average Height
250cm (Medium)
Average Weight
200kg (40 bulk)

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