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Canian (Cane-Ee-Ann)

Expanded on from the "Shoony" ancestry - "Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 72"   Canians most commonly live in Shooneph but can be found in nearly every land in Keyrae. They are unwaveringly loyal to whomever they bond to, be that their family or friends they met in their travels. Despite their incredibly friendly (Sometimes unbearingly so) personalities, they can also be fearsome warriors, eagerly following the command of their pack leader to the best of their abilities. It's very common to see Canians working as guards for private property, usually out of this sense of loyalty and duty to whoever owns the land or acting as members of adventurer's guilds.   The most well-known of the Canians are called the Shoony, a smaller, more flat-faced variety of Canian. Shoonies are much more spiritual in their culture than the wider Canian Societies, and they do not tend to travel outside of their small communities very often. While the larger Canians will gladly fight alongside their allies, shoonies prefer a pacifist approach wherever possible as they believe violence and war only hurt us all in the long run. they also realise that bigger settlements and cities are extremely damaging to the environment, which is why, despite the fact that all Canians strive for communal living, Shoony settlements tend to never exceed more than 100 individuals in any one town. This belief is the reason that Sylveth is located where it is - the Shoony felt bad for the now homeless fae and when they realised that many fae have similar views about preserving nature, they allowed them to use the land.

You Might:

  • Fight to protect those you care about and strive to do the right thing.
  • Work hard for long hours in a focused pursuit of distant goals.
  • Provide comfort, necessities such as food, and a sense of kinship to those in distress.

Others Might:

  • Involuntarily fawn over (or recoil from) your physical appearance.
  • Protect you from scary situations or terrifying phenomena, out of either friendship or overprotectiveness.
  • Appreciate your pragmatism and natural ability to care for others.

Basic Information


All Canians are bipedal canine humanoids, but specifics vary greatly between the different kinds of Canian and Shoony. Canians typically resemble larger canine species, such as large dogs, wolves, jackals or Dingos, whereas Shoonies typically look more like smaller dog breeds, mainly pugs and other flat-faced dog breeds.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Canians are omnivores, with a strong preference towards meat.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

With their strong family values and emphasis on found friends, it’s no wonder that both shoonies and Canians take particular pride in naming their children after other loved ones. Canian and Shoony names are short, guttural, and often sound like loose strings of unassociated vowels and soft consonants to people of other ancestries. Shoonies value names and take great care to learn and speak the correct pronunciations of their friends’ names.  

Example Names:

Ahogo, Arnbin, Bighmor, Bondin, Domwurd, Ebmeur, Gopor, Gurna, Hiemgur, Mufurlo, Oriog, Pulumar, Raliamar, Ruggion, Uhulrig, Ungrin.

Canian Heritages:

Players can choose weather they want to be a canian (medium dogfolk) or a Shoony (Small dogfolk) regardless of which heritage they choose. With the exception of Dire Canian, the following heritages are available to both.  


  • Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 71
Your ancestors were famous trackers, and you carry in your blood that same gift of the hunt. You gain a special sense: imprecise scent with a range of 30 feet. This means you can use your sense of smell to determine the location of a creature, but it remains hidden. In addition, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks to Track creatures that you have previously sensed with your scent.  

Fish Seeker

  • Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 71
You come from a long line of fisherfolk and have inherited the quick reflexes necessary to nab and reel in big game. If you roll a success on an attempt to Grab an Edge, you get a critical success instead; if you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead. A creature that rolls a failure on a check to Disarm you gets a critical failure instead.  


  • Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 71
You hail from canians who have lived long and successfully among the reeds and cattails of swamps and marshes, and have adapted to the challenges of living near waterlogged areas. You ignore difficult terrain and greater difficult terrain from bogs. When you roll a success to Swim, you get a critical success instead.  

Canian Ancestry Feats

Most Ancestry feats are available to both, but some are specific to each type. Canians will have the Canian trait and can choose any feats with that trait, while Shoonies will have the Shoony trait and can choose any feats with that trait.

1st Level

Dig Quickly - Feat 1


  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 72
Your hands work as effectively as shovels when you need to dig a quick hole. You dig a shallow pit in the square you currently occupy, turning the square into difficult terrain (including for you). In addition, you also kick up a cloud of grit in a direction of your choice. The cloud extinguishes small, unattended, non-magical fires and helps smother the flames on burning creatures located within the cone; creatures in this cone that are taking persistent fire damage can immediately attempt an additional flat DC 15 check to end the persistent damage.
Esteemed Visitor - Feat 1

  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 72
Your polite manners and natural ability to comfort others make it easy for you to break down cultural barriers and earn strangers’ trust. While you are in a settlement, when you roll a critical failure on a Diplomacy check to Gather Information or Make an Impression, you get a failure instead.
Handy With Your Paws - Feat 1

  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 72
You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Repair non-magical items, and you don’t need a repair kit for such repairs as long as you have any amount of junk, spare parts, or debris at your disposal.
Improvisational Defender - Feat 1

  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 72
You are always prepared for fights that frequently disrupt seemingly peaceful times. When you use an improvised weapon or a shoddy weapon, you don’t take the –2 item penalty to attack rolls.
Scamper underfoot - Feat 1

  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 72
You are used to ducking under foes and can scurry around the battlefield with ease. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Acrobatics checks to Tumble Through the spaces of Medium or larger enemies, and the presence of an enemy doesn’t make the squares difficult terrain.
Canian Lore - Feat 1

  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 72
Growing up in Canian society, you learned the value of honesty, friendship, and hard work, even during trying times. You gain the trained proficiency rank in Diplomacy and Survival. If you would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You also become trained in Canian Lore (which includes Shoony Lore as well).
Wolf Pack - Feat 1

  • Based on "Pack Hunter" - Lost Omens, The Mwangi Expanse pg. 112
You were taught how to hunt as part of a pack. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to checks to Aid, and your allies gain a +2 circumstance bonus to checks to Aid you.

5th Level

Loyal Empath - Feat 5

  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 73
You have incredible empathy for your friends and family, and you have an innate timing for helping others in distress. You can use the Aid reaction to grant a bonus to another creature’s Will saving throw. As usual for Aid, you need to prepare by using an action on your turn to encourage the creature to bravely withstand the effect.
Practiced Paddler - Feat 5

Requirements Paddler ancestry
  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 73
You’re skilled at navigating bogs and marshes, even for a paddler Canian. You gain a swim speed of 15 feet.
Tough Tumbler - Feat 5

Requirements Scamper Underfoot feat
  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 73
You’ve taken your share of licks while scurrying around the battlefield and know how to defend yourself against opportunistic attackers. Your movement ends only when you critically fail an Acrobatics check to Tumble Through an enemy’s space (or when you don’t have enough Speed to move all the way through its space). You still trigger reactions on a failure to Tumble Through, but you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to AC against attacks that you trigger in this way.
Pack Ambush - Feat 5

Requirements Pack Hunter Feat, Expert in Stealth
  • Based on "Pack Stalker" - Lost Omens, The Mwangi Expanse pg. 113
Ambushes are a popular tactic among Canian hunters. You gain the Terrain Stalker feat and can extend its effects to a single ally so long as they remain within 10 ft. of you. If you have master proficiency in Stealth, you can extend the effect to two allies. If you have legendary proficiency in Stealth, you can extend it to four allies.

9th Level

Improvisational Warrior - Feat 9

Requirements Improvised Defender feat
  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 73
When you use an improvised weapon, you apply the critical specialization of a brawling weapon to it. Depending on the shape and nature of the improvised weapon, your GM might determine another weapon group’s critical specialization is more appropriate.
Sodbuster - Feat 9

Requirements Dig Quickly feat
  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 73
Years of toiling in soil have made you an expert digger. You gain a burrow speed of 10 feet through loose soil or dirt.

13th Level

Steadfast Ally - Feat 13

Requirements Loyal Empath
  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 73
Your presence alone is enough to provide your allies with emotional support. You can use the Aid reaction to grant a bonus to another creature’s Will saving throw even when you haven’t prepared to help.
Unrivaled Builder - Feat 13

Requirements Handy with your paws feat
  • From Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadow pg. 73
Building things is like solving a puzzle, and you know how to use anything at your disposal to get the job done. You gain creation as a 5th-level innate primal spell. You must have an equivalent Bulk of material to create an item, such as wood or scrap metal to make a wheelbarrow. You can cast this spell once each day.
Hit Dice
  • Shoony: Small
  • Canian: Medium
Ability Boosts
Dexterity, Charisma, Free
Ability Flaw
  • Common
  • Shoony
  • Additional languages equal to your Intelligence modifier if it’s positive. Choose from the list of common Languages‌ and any other languages to which you have access (such as the languages prevalent in your region)
Canian/Shoony, Humanoid
Low-Light Vision
You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.
Controlled Scent
Both Canians and Shoonies have in-built protections for their noses. When you roll a saving throw against inhaled threats (such as inhaled poisons) and olfactory effects (such as xulgath stench), you get the outcome one degree of success better than the result of your roll.
Mature at
8 years
Average Height
  • Shoony: 105cm
  • Canian: 180cm
Average Weight
  • Shoony: 45kg (10 bulk)
  • Canian: 90kg (20 bulk)

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