Ameri Ethnicity in Khalar | World Anvil
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The Ameri culture is one marked by ancient tragedy. During the Creation War, the Ameri were conquered by dark powers and either slaughtered or forced into slavery- with any fortunate enough to escape fleeing in caravans of refugees to anywhere they could find sanctuary. Though they were eventually freed and united again as a nation, the marks of this can still be seen on their culture.   Millennia later, the Ameri are constantly wary, if friendly. They seek to know everything and anything they can- and be prepared to react. Therefore, the culture has a high value on spies and assassins. Stealth and creativity are valued above raw strength, leaning towards other cultures claiming them to be 'dishonorable.' But according to their own code, these actions are completely acceptable.   Additionally, Ameri are tireless wanderers and traders. Perhaps it was born of their nomadic lifestyles before the Creation War, perhaps their wanderings during- but Ameri can be found the world over- most often joining into trade caravans on long-traveled routes as merchants, or performing for the entertainment of those around them. Naturally, these wanderers also contain a fair amount of spies and assassins, out to ply their craft...


Major language groups and dialects


Culture and cultural heritage


Fighting Styles, Weapons & Armor

Ameri tend to favor smaller, more agile weapons that can be used in close combat and concealed easily. Punch-knives, daggers and sharp awls are often carried for defense, and assassins commonly carry garrotes and throwing-knives (the latter commonly coated or dipped in poison, as a thrown knife is rarely enough to kill by itself.) On the larger side of things, curved sabers and knives are carried on the more openly martial members of society. Ameri value shortbows and slings, when trying to avoid a close fight.   One of the most common weapons is a punching-dagger or similar shortsword. A horizontal handle is attached via an H-shaped frame to a broad, strong blade- sometimes with a guard around the outside of the hand, but often without. The smaller versions can be hidden inside a robe sleeve- albeit somewhat awkwardly.   Armor is rarely more than padded leather or cloth, even when it has metal sewn between the layers. Rarely, steel breastplates, vambraces, cuisses, greaves and chainmail are worn in various combinations by professional heavy soldiers or bodyguards, but usually restrict movement too much for Ameri fighting styles. And they tend to be far too hot, as well.   Ameri fighting styles emphasize speed and reflex. Blocking blows outright is rarely done- deflection or dodging are preferred. Rapid, sharp strikes or single killing blows are also preferred to battering away at an enemy as others might do.

Shared customary codes and values


Common Etiquette rules

Ameri rarely shake hands as a social greeting- a small bow is used instead. They tend to be quite wary of new people, warming slowly, but among friends or family close contact is common. Other races sometimes claim the Ameri lack a knowledge of personal space, but in their culture it's a sign of trust and affection to sit close or lounge with friends and family.   Staring isn't as offensive in Ameri cultures as others. It's not uncommon for an Ameri with little to do to simply watch the world go by, observing casually.

Common Dress code

The dress of Ameri ranges wildly. Northern Ameri tend to wear cloth wraps and loose robelike garments, particularly when traveling in the desert to mitigate the heat. Light colors- especially tan, yellow, red and brown are common. Blue and green aren't usually found in garments worn away from cities.   Southern Ameri tend to wear vests and trousers, and keep their heads uncovered except when needed by weather. Large, brightly colored and intricately patterned cloaks that can serve as makeshift blankets when traveling are common in the rainy season.   Ameri merchants traditionally wear the Ameri Padded Coats that serve as coat, armor, tool-kit and badge of office.   Ameri have a love of jewelry, and it's rare to find one who isn't adorned in common, everyday life. Arm-cuffs and bracelets are extremely popular, as are a few ear piercings. At social or formal events, more intricate and heavier jewelry is worn, including necklaces and amulets. Rings are common but often downplayed in favor of larger ornaments.

Art & Architecture

Ameri art tends towards performance. Many a mage gifted with illusions has plied his craft towards creating effects for singers, dancers, storytellers and stage performers. Traveling troupes can be found in every large city, often competing for stage time, and it is rare to find a caravan without at least a few performers.   Songs are common and varied in Ameri culture. Some are handed down family lines for generations, while others are composed on the spot.   Sclupting and weaving are also common art forms.   Ameri buildings tend to have lower ceilings than those of most other cultures, but make up for it by building vertically. Two and three story buildings are extremely common. Additionally, cross-bridges, walkways and balconies criss-cross between floors at the second and third levels, creating a multi-story structure. In particularly old or well established cities the layers will sometimes have entirely different layouts as these crossways create new streets. Additionally nearly every home and building will include a balcony to watch the outside world from. Many- particularly in the North- have open-topped roofs that serve as an open-air level, usually with a canvas or cloth covering like a tent.   In many cities there is a wide area for the non-permanent portion of the population- those who are simply visiting or embrace the nomadic lifestyle of the Northern Ameri. These are often crowded with the canvas tents that those carry with them.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Ameri rarely work the entire day straight, like those of other nations. In Ameri cities, mid-day is usually marked by a sudden lull as the felines relax for a meal, a nap, or simply lounge and converse with their friends and family. Though this has resulted in a rather nasty stereotype of "those lazy cats," the Ameri counter it by staying up far later than those of other races, often not sleeping until well after darkness has fallen- and then rising before others awaken.   In their own homes, Ameri rarely use the same furniture as others. Instead of chairs for relaxing or beds, large piles of cushions that can be rearranged at will are common. Dining tables tend to be low structures or a special rug, and the felines sit cross-legged at formal meals, or lounge when in the company of family or close friends.   A visitor who is welcomed into one's home and given a meal is considered to be family for one day and one night. The host will guarantee his guest's safety and offer any aid possible, while the guest will assist the host in an emergency and offer any assistance required otherwise. Additionally, it calls a formal truce between the two, preventing attack. Breaking this custom is considered a hideous obscenity. The tradition comes from the late days of the Creation War, where feuding clans often had to ally with one another for simple survival, and has become an integral part of the culture.

Common Taboos

Attacking a priest is one of the most heinous crimes anyone can commit. Whole communities have been known to rise up and deal swift, bloody justice to one who harmed a priest- even feuding enemies putting aside differences to do so.

Common Myths and Legends

The closest thing the Ameri have to a devil or demon spirit is [Name]. According to legend she was a powerful mage who betrayed her countrymen to the forces of darkness in the days leading to the Creation War in exchange for more power, and ended up dooming her people to slavery. She received her "reward" but was twisted by the dark powers- and when they were cast out, she was left behind. Now she stalks the deserts and the jungles at night, growling through overly large, distorted fangs and glaring at the world through her empty, vacant eye-sockets. Any she catches are bound to her will and dashed constantly against the jagged eastern mountains near the Dark Scar, contained in her perpetual windstorms. She is said to hunt during the lunar eclipse, and as such Ameri are traditionally wary during that time. Few will travel if they don't have to, and even the nomads will make camp and wait for the eclipse to pass, hands near weapons.

Historical figures

Chainbreaker is the main known historical figure, and every Ameri from childhood is taught his story. As well, the scribe [Name] who chronicled the Chainbreaker's revolt and the aftermath of the Creation War is particularly revered.


Courtship Ideals

Ameri males are expected to serenade the object of their desire, usually at twilight. This has lead to a sort of running joke in Ameri culture, where a parent, fed up with the attention their daughter is receiving, tosses a bucket of water (Or something more substantial) on a prospective suitor.
Encompassed species

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