
God of the Canopy

Alda is Taure’s only true “child” — Alda was once part of Taure’s spirit that it extracted from itself to give it the special reign over the canopy because Taure felt stretched in too many directions to be able to effectively care for birds and other living creatures that existed in the air.   Communities that live in the trees (often a network of bridges and treehouses) see Alda as their primary god and worshiping him grants them increased protection from both ground and air threats.   Since Alda is so entangled with Taure, many of their rituals are exactly the same, but adapted to be completed in the air. Many of these villages have built “canopy gardens” which is a preserved natural space for wildlife and plant growth that Air Eru care for and cultivate. Canopy gardens are the heart of many of these communities. Destroying the canopy garden is said to sever a village’s connection with Alda, and thus their protection from threat.


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