
The Eandaril is the pantheon of deities worshiped primarily by the elves of Khalon.


The Endaril have been worshiped by elves since before recorded history. Priests of Endaril traveled to Khalon around 800 BE with the rest of the elven people. The deities making up the pantheon has changed overtime, with new gods being added every few centuries. The most notable example is the addition of Iorath following the Elven Conquest.


The Endaril priesthood is a loose organization spread throughout Morenthyr. Each temple is managed by a high priest, who provides religious services of those coming to the temple. Any elf may become a priest or priestess of the Endaril by studying under a High Priest for around a decade. Priests undergo a series of secretive rites to join the priesthood. There is no head of the religion, although the High Priest of the Temple of the Pantheon in Thal'Narius is the most influential member of the priesthood.
Founding Date
Religious, Pantheon
Permeated Organizations
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